“Mine,” I growl like a possessive fucking mate. Jesus. It’s new to me, but I can’t take it back now.
Remy looks at me, but instead of laughing, he reaches up, grabs my hair, and pulls my mouth to his. “Then fuck me like I’m yours.” Between our bodies, he jerks off, his ass already starting to tighten around me.
“Oh,” he gasps. “Oh, holy fuck. Right there.”
Guess I know where the prostate is.
“You hungry?” Remy asks, wrapped in a towel after a shower together. The sex is hot as hell, but I’ve come to enjoy the little moments, too. The showers and the swoony looks in the mirror neither of us will ever admit to.
“Frozen pizza?” I offer. “I’m way too lazy to cook right now.”
“I’m way too fucked to cook,” he agrees, and then rolls his eyes at my cocky expression. “You can fuck, Zahn, I’ll give you that.” He turns the oven on.
“But?” I grab the pizza from the freezer.
“But you make a damn good bottom, too.” He smiles at the baking tray. “Preference?”
I think about it, trying to decide one way or the other. I mean, I like variety, so switching it up gives me that without having to bring other people in anymore. With Remy, I get all versions of everything I want, and I hope he gets what he wants with me, too. “I think I’m a 52/48 split.”
Remy laughs, throwing his head back. “Of course you are. What’s the fifty-two?”
I’m just gonna own it. “Bottoming.”
Remy tugs on the front of my towel, his nose bumping mine. “Mm, good.” He shoves me away, putting the pizza in the oven. “You ready to go back to St. Matthew tomorrow?”
It’s hard to believe that the blowie confession came out during our last trip there, and now we’re basically living a monogamous relationship together. “Maybe it won’t be so boring anymore. We’ve got lots to get up to now if we get snowed in.” I grab a bottle of water and throw one to him. “Look at us being all domestic and shit. Sex, shower, food. Ticking all the responsible boxes, bud.”
“Yeah, we’re real pillars of the community.”
We eat on the couch, watching a rerun of that show about the family that lives in the Alaskan outback. We like to judge the fuck out of it. It’s comfortable, familiar, and cozy, and it reminds me that I don’t get to do this at home. He’s my best friend, and I can ask him anything, but I’m sort of nervous.
“Hey, Rem?” I set my plate down.
“Oh, here we go,” he scoffs. “Great start. I just know this is gonna be something real fucking special.”
What a dick. “What would you think of… Uhm, what time do you want to leave in the morning?” Fucking hell! Did I really just chicken out mid-sentence?
“Seven. Ask me your real question, Zahn.”
Okay, here it goes. “I was wondering if maybe, since we’re always… and it would just make sense if we…”
He lifts a brow, waiting and holding back a grin.
“Maybe… like, would you want to move… ah…”
“Move in together?”
“What the fuck, Remy!? I was getting there! You stole my thunder.” I shove him.
“Did I?” he mocks.
“Yes! I was getting to it. I just got a little tongue-tied is all.”
“You were fucking it all up, more like,” he corrects.
“You’re supposed to let me fuck it all up. It’s supposed to be cute and endearing and adorable and all that.” I glare at him.
He bats his lashes and smiles, booping me on the nose. “You’re so cute and adorable, Zahn.”