Page 81 of Scores Of The Heart

“Well, Dad’s not here,” she says, as our kisses come a little faster and more urgent.

Fuck, she’s turning me on.

“You know, I’m trying to be good around you,” I murmur, pulling away to breathe her in and kiss her neck. She’s making it really difficult when she pushes her body towards me.

“Bad boy Tyler Peterson is trying to be good?”

I can’t hide my smile as I watch her. She’s so fucking perfect. I love the way her eyes dance with amusement and her whole face lights up when she smiles. And I’m the one putting the smile there. That feels good in itself.

“Trying being the operative word,” I say. Wondering how long I can resist her. She has to make the moves. I want her to.

But it has to come from her.



Snuggling and making out with Tyler on my couch is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. He isn’t even trying to make the moves. I seem to be doing that for us both.

I’m sure it’s premature to even think I could be falling for Tyler, but I can feel the way I’m drawn to him.

I told him more tonight than I’ve told anyone this quickly.

Okay, not about the stalker campus guy and an attempted mugging on campus, but the whole Damon situation isn’t exactly an icebreaker. But Tyler made me feel comfortable in talking about it and why I have my reservations. I meant what I said to him, I don’t want to drag it around with me going forwards. Not everyone is a cheater and a liar.

“You know, I could just call you BB for short,” I joke, giving him a poke in the ribs.

“BB?“ he quizzes, catching my hand and bringing it up to his mouth to kiss it again.

“Bad boy.”

“Something tells me you like it?” He tilts his head.

“Maybe I do.”

“A walk on the wild side with Tyler Peterson, huh?”

“Hey, I’m not some piece of meat,” he laughs, giving me a wink.

“Do you want to touch me again like you did in the car that night?”

“Is this a trick question?”

I laugh lightly. “We can make out and fool around, Ty. I’m not a total stick in the mud.”

“I never thought you were.”

I love the fact he’s not pushing for us to get naked. I can’t do the whole casual thing, but maybe in time, when I get to know him a little better, we could take things further. I need to know what we are first.

I made that mistake with Joel, and I’m not going to do it again.

“I’m very comfortable with you,” I confess. “That’s really something new for me.”

“I’m glad I make you feel that way.” He smiles, brushing my hair out of the way. My breathing feels labored from just watching him. My body is humming and I want to be close to him so badly. “But I scared you off that night in the car, Cind.”

“That was me getting in my own head,” I say. “Getting close to someone again. The guy in college, Joel, and I didn’t work out. We didn’t connect the way I thought in the beginning and he ended up moving. He was the first guy I slept with, Tyler.”

He brushes my hair out of the way with his fingers, touching my collar bone lightly as he listens.