The Hawks are still ahead when Jay scores the seventh goal with a scuffle in the net, and Vegas Heat score another soon after. I know Ty drives the play with the strategy they’ve worked out all week in their training, but anything can happen in the game. Things can turn any time and I don’t envy him right now. The weight is definitely on his shoulders as captain.
Tyler is sticking to his guy like glue, not letting any passes through, and when Dean Hendrix, the right winger for the Heat, tries to score, he blocks it with his body.
The two almost get into a scuff, but Ty pushes him backwards and skates away from him. I press my lips together, watching his large form, the way he moves, the way he glides. It’s so hot.
I wonder what he’s going to think of me secretly wearing his jersey.
I’ve been doing it for a while now, but nobody knows.
Taylor scores the eighth goal for the Hawks when both teams are all down at the Vegas Heat end of the goals. Taylor breaks away and whacks the puck from halfway down the ice with no one to stop him. Unfortunately for the goalie, he slides the wrong way and the puck sinks into the left side of the net. Everyone is on the edge of their seats, including me, as we cheer and Taylor waves his stick around in appreciation. Em is literally jumping up and down, screaming next to me. Susie isn’t much better on the other side of me. She’s really getting into it, too.
There’s literally a minute to go, but there’s no way the Heat can come back from this.
Especially when Ty passes a clean, even shot down the ice across to Jay, who forwards it on to Taylor. Taylor takes the shot, but the goalie blocks it and it jumps back out. The crowd is on total edge again and just as Taylor fires again, Josh Beauman comes up behind him, trying to swipe the puck away. But Taylor is too fast. He’s already taken the shot. He still gets pushed down to the ground in the process, and no one can see where the puck is with seconds to go on the clock. The goalie is covering the tiny space inside the net, laying flat on his back. The puck disappeared under his leg, but it’s still not visible where it landed. Taylor is also laying on the ice inside the net after he slid in there when Josh pushed him down, taking the shot.
Finally, when they both move, the puck is sure enough underneath them inside the goals. Another score. And there’s mere seconds left on the buzzer.
Nine goals to four. Everything goes nuts from then on in.
The Seattle Hawks are officially the Stanley Cup winners.
When the siren breaks, everyone goes wild; streamers fly down from the room instantaneously, helmets go crashing down onto the ice as the players celebrate. I feel bad for the Heat as they slump away, defeated as well as disappointed. But there can only be one winner.
Em, Susie and I are all jumping up and down, going as crazy as everyone else. We hug as Taylor’s mom in the row in front of us reaches back to give Em a hug. It’s a sweet gesture given their difficult history. They seem on good terms now.
It takes a long time for everything to come to a lull, and I’m sure the team never wants it to end.
I see my dad is one of the first on the ice, Coach Ted close behind him as they go nuts and celebrate with the boys. I’ve never seen Dad look so elated. When the buzzer went off, he and Ted couldn’t contain themselves. I know they will play that over and over again on the replay. Angelique and Max are sitting close to the players’ bench, but it’s impossible to get to them now with everyone on their feet going wild.
I’m in absolute awe of Ty when The Stanley Cup is presented to him shortly after. He’s worked so hard, along with my dad and the rest of the team. I’m so happy for them.
I watch Ty skate up to accept the cup. He holds it up in the air and the crowd goes bananas again. He looks so happy and elated. I can’t wait to see him later.
There’s no way we’re not going to get together for the after party. I don’t care what anyone says.
I want him to know I’m wearing his jersey and how good he looked out there.
I feel ecstatic, like this night couldn’t get any better.
Em is beside herself next to me too. Taylor gets awarded with the Conn Smythe Trophy, which is such an outstanding achievement, and well deserved. She turns to hug me and Susie again. I know she can’t wait to get to him.
I can hardly blame her.
It takes a long time for things to dissipate because each and every member of the team gets to hold the cup. Then my dad, Ted, and all the managers. It’s a special moment in time, one I wish could go on forever.
But I’m chomping at the bit to see Ty.
We eventually leave the crowd and wait for Em to catch up with Taylor and find out what they are doing after this. She makes her way down to the players’ entry door as they are heading back to the change rooms and gives him a kiss. He whispers something to her and eventually she makes her way back up to us. I’m so glad Em has patched things up with Tay. It’s the best outcome she could have hoped for.
And now with the Hawks winning the cup… Things couldn’t be better for all of us.
* * *
I rarely drink much, so half a glass of champagne is enough for me behind the scenes while we wait for the guys to get changed and head out to club Salt to celebrate.
Ty gives me a huge hug when he sees me. And since all the guys are hugging anyone and everyone, I don’t think it will rouse any suspicion.
He pulls on the hem of my jersey under my jacket as he looks down at me.