She’s paranoid about her dad finding out about us and firing my ass. I know it won’t come down to that, but I need to man up and tell him I want to date his daughter. In my mind’s eye, I practically have been dating his daughter. If the stolen kisses we’ve been sharing whenever we get a chance are anything to go by, I’d say things are heating up. I know she wanted to take things slow, but I don’t even know how long I can keep going without touching her.
I guess if we win tonight, everything can be worked out. I’ll have around three months of downtime before pre-season training.
I’ve already decided I’m going to the Florida charity game whether I play or not. We both agreed this might be a good time for us to spend some quality time together.
Taylor isn’t sure he will even be attending as his mom is sick at the moment and waiting on results for a surgery on a brain tumor. I’ve already offered to take his place, or be on standby. He might be the league’s leading forward striker, but for charity I’m happy to jump in, even if it isn’t in defense, and hopefully not make a complete ass of myself.
And I can’t say I’m not motivated to get out of Seattle and spend some time with my girl.
I smile at the last selfie she sent me of her with Henry. He was pretty cute that night I turned up unannounced, and I plan on getting to know them both a whole lot better…
Going into the second period, the defense is impeccable, but Jake and Taylor dominate. Jay is on fire in his center role. He’s everywhere tonight. The guy is a fast fucker, that is for sure, weaving in and out all over the ice.
And Taylor. No one can match him. Seeing Emmerson has put a rocket in his skates. Whatever it takes, I’m here for.
He promised to let Josh Beauman not know what hit him when he got back out there.
When he scores his first, it comes thick and fast as he dodges and weaves around Josh, then slams one into the net. The crowd goes berserk.
I skate right up to him.
“That was fucking fast,” I say, patting him on the back.
“My girl’s in the crowd,” he shouts back over the noise.
That will do it every time.
Play continues. I block like a motherfucker, me and Ashton closing the ranks, as we pull in our defense and make it tight for Vegas, blocking at every turn.
All I keep thinking is my girl is in the crowd. Just like Taylor said about Emmerson.
I’ve been thinking about Cindy constantly for months. She’s always in the forefront of my mind, and I know I’m going to stop at nothing when this is over to take things to the next level.
I wanna be her guy. I want us to be able to go out and do shit and not worry who’s watching or who’s going to photograph us and it get back to the team and her dad.
I don’t want to disrespect her like that, but I do want more.
I want her to meet my family. I think they’d get along famously.
It’s all hitting me in one fell swoop. Maybe it is the enigma of the night. Maybe it’s a lot of things, but I don’t really care. I just want her.
We’re six goals to three now. Coach Carter is going nuts on the sidelines, and it’s largely thanks to Taylor’s new found fire in his skates. He’s been firing goals off left, right and center. He even slides up to the barrier and makes quite a show of banging on the glass in front of Emmerson, where she’s sitting with Cindy. I see him hold his gloved hand up at the glass while Emmerson presses her palm to the other side.
I chuckle to myself. I gotta hand it to the guy, he’s smooth, and he knows exactly what he wants.
I rip my helmet off as I skate to the players door and give Cindy a conspiratorial wink on the way past.
Third period to go. Then I can make my move.
I’ve kept my eyes focused on Tyler all night. He has glanced over to me several times, and noticed when I moved seats when Emmerson arrived late.
The minutes are flying by as the final period countdown begins. I love the vibe in the stadium when it’s like this. It’s such a buzz going through the crowd.
And yes, I’m wearing Tyler’s jersey under my jacket, #61 on the back with the ‘C’ patch for captain on the front. I even swiped a shirt for Em when I knew she was coming at the last minute. We both have our hats and scarves on as well.