I run my hand through my hair. “I’d be interested to see if you can find any loopholes.”
“If anyone is going to find one, it’ll be me,” she assures me, and I like her confidence.
“I might hold you to that,” I muse as I feel a few drops land on my cheek as we walk.
“I think we should hurry.” Cindy picks up the pace, just as the rain starts to pour.
I would like to say it came from nowhere, but it was threatening all afternoon.
A few drops suddenly turn into a downpour. She buzzes her car as she pulls her rain jacket over her hair. “Quick, we need to get in.” She giggles as we fully make a run for it.
I bolt around the passenger side and we dive in at the same time.
“It really sneaks up on you,” I breathe, as I wipe the rain off my face and sit back in the seat.
“Tell me about it.”
We both laugh at how wet we just got in a short space of time.
I glance at her as we both still.
“Cindy, I need to see you again outside of work.”
She momentarily closes her eyes, her head nodding. “I know.”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you while I was away.” I texted to tell her this, of course. It’s nothing new. But saying out loud to her feels better somehow.
“Me either,” she says. “I liked catching up, even if it’s risky.”
“Is this the part where you tell me nothing is going on, so we don’t need to worry about that?”
Please say no.
She gives me a look and purses her lips again. “I wasn’t going to say that.”
“What’s happening between us?” I ask outright, because I need to know.
“Possibly things that shouldn’t be happening.” She sighs. “It’s kinda of complicated given our work situation. And we kissed.”
“That we did. But, as you say, the paperwork fine print will give us some answers.” I admit I haven’t delved into that, hoping we might get away with it a little longer while we get to know each other.
“I will make it my mission,” she says.
“Until then?” I ask.
“We just have to keep meeting in secret, I guess.”
I can’t hide the fact that part turns me on a lot. Not the part about her dad finding out and us getting into some serious shit, especially because I’m the captain and he trusts me, but I don’t mind breaking the rules here and there when I have to.
It crosses my mind, of course, that this is one rule I shouldn’t even consider breaking. It could be to my detriment, or even the end of me, but I can’t help it. I wanna jump in with both feet.
“Let’s meet up after the game on Friday?” I ask.
She nods. “I’d like that.”
“It’s an important game. I like the fact you’ll be there.”
She smiles. “I’m looking forward to it, too.”