Page 43 of Scores Of The Heart

I glance up at him, taking a second to realize he’s talking about my fucking ex.

Not his daughter, asshole.

That’s a real heart starter right there. Why do I suddenly think coach has some kind of new insight into my brain? Must be the guilt talking, though I haven’t even done anything yet. Nothing like what I’d want to do.

I know Cindy is the apple of his eye. And I know they moved to Seattle when he got the coaching job for the state junior team a few years back and then things progressed.

I also know he’s brought them up well. You only have to take one look at Cindy to know that. There’s that air she has that tells me she isn’t like some of the girls we’ve all known that go after the hockey guys. She doesn’t strike me as that at all. She seems proper somehow, straight-laced, and maybe even a little innocent.

Do I deserve to even be the guy that could potentially taint her? And is that what it would be?

I swallow as he waits for my answer. “Nah, me and Stacey were over long ago. Nothing to worry about there.”

He ‘humphs’ a response with a curt nod. “Just keep your eyes and ears to the grind, more so than normal. Nothing can fuck this up. I’m not letting another cup fucking flip by our fingers like last year.”

“I hear ya,” I say, like it isn’t on all of our minds already.

“We’ll talk after the meeting about tactics for Friday.”

“Sure thing, coach.” I stretch up out of my seat, and we make our way to the meeting room. My heart is jolting in my chest to see Cindy, and I don’t even have a chance to check my phone before I walk in there.

I’m beyond disappointed to see that her chair is empty. Andrea and Simon are there, though. Is she just making coffee, or?

I fish my cell out while everyone else gets seated and things get underway.


Hey, Tyler. Sorry I won’t see you today I’m not feeling well

I stare at the message and can’t help feel despondent that I won’t see her today. I hope she’s okay. I quickly type back before the meeting gets underway.


Sorry to hear that. I hope you’re okay


I’m okay I just picked up a bit of a bug


Let me know if there’s anything I can do


That’s so sweet thank you x

I like that little cross at the end. It gets me through the meeting and it goes by in more than a blur. It’s nothing like what I experienced last week with her sitting across from me. I keep looking over to her vacant chair hoping she’s just going to appear or something.

The next day, she’s not there either. I know because she’s not sitting with Andrea and Simon in the cafeteria. Jay and I get up to clear our trays and head back to the locker room when I tell Jay to go on ahead while I stop at her friend’s table.

Simon looks up at me as his face reddens and he squeaks out; “Hello?” Like it’s a question. I smile to myself. Andrea is equally star-struck, staring up at me with big, round eyes.

“Hey,” I say to the pair of them. “I heard Cindy wasn’t well?” She told me herself, so I don’t know why I’m asking her friends, I guess I just want to make sure she is okay. We texted again back and forth as I wanted to check on her and she said she would be back tomorrow.

“Yeah, that’s right,” Andrea says, biting her lip.

“Nothing serious I hope?”