Page 42 of Scores Of The Heart

I have to be knowledgeable. It goes hand in hand. Taylor is probably the next best thing when it comes to strategy, as I know he studies every game and every pass, too. But I can never afford to be lackadaisical when it comes to the team.

There're times when I have to adjust on the fly with how fast-changing each and every game can be. Then there’s injury and everything else you could throw into the mix.

I always have to have a game plan. And coach always wants to hear it.

It obviously depends on who we’re playing as to what our strategy is.

My research is never ending. Along with my thoughts;

What kind of game will the team play this week? Will it be faster paced? Do we have to up the tempo?

Is it a game where things are tight between both teams and we grind it out in a physical, ‘not giving an inch’ style of play?

Whatever is decided, it’s my job to set an example. And I expect the team to follow my lead.

I guess I’m the most vocal too. And that’s what lands me in trouble more often than not. I will defend my guys to the hilt. If a bad call is made, you can bet I’ll be the one to make it clear to the referee and confront him about it.

If one of my guys is getting consistently dogged by an opponent, you can bet I’ll step in and take matters into my own hands. It’s expected, but it’s where I can get fired up and get in trouble for going too far. I will always step in when things get too rough, or one of my guys is being bullied or harassed. It’s not only my fucking job, but it’s my duty. They know they can count on me.

I will always send a very physical message to our opponents.

If it’s one of my guys doing the harassing, I then have to do everything I can to disrupt it before it leads to anything more severe.

That’s why I can never, ever, afford to falter. I’ve earned the respect and admiration of the team, and I keep that going by being the guy working from all angles. Again, I ain’t saying I’m the best, but I’m always there early for practice and the last to leave. I’m the guy who drives home coach’s specific game plan based on what we’ve discussed.

I like to steer the game to where I want it to go and where I think it should go.

Of course, things don’t always go according to plan, and that can reflect badly on me. It’s not my sole burden to bear if the game isn’t going how it should, but it’s my responsibility to keep it together.

I know coach and the exec’s took a major chance on me, and I think it’s because I’ve always been a good communicator, as well as being older than the other guys.

I don’t want to disappoint them.

In my opinion, Taylor James is the best player on the team. But as it’s often been said, there can be issues with putting your best player in the role of captain. While I think Taylor would handle it, there are many factors to it that can sometimes be detrimental to a player. Sometimes a player’s production can waiver with the responsibility. Sometimes it can go the other way, and a player can take the job and fly. It’s all subjective.

“The team morale is just fine,” I tell him, honestly. “Other than Jay’s shenanigans, but that’s nothing new.”

“Fucking Jay.” Coach shakes his head.

“But Coach, every one of us on the team is vested,” I say. “We all know how important this is.”

Even Jay, who has no superstitions, rituals, or anything to keep him in check, and the blondes still give him nightmares. But he’s there, like nothing happened the night before. He’s never let us down, and I know he’s not about to.

It’s an away game this week, and we’re home for the following week’s game.

My cell vibrates in my pocket and as I fish it out and glance at the screen while coach is talking about today’s meeting, and training afterwards. I swallow hard as I see it’s a message from Cindy.


I quickly shove it back in my pocket. I already feel a little weird sitting here knowing I have a major jones for coach’s daughter. I don’t need to flaunt it.

Fuck. If he finds out about this, I’ll most certainly be stepped down from captain.

If anything happens between us, we either need to hold things at bay until the season is over and we can talk to her father, or we have to nip it in the bud before it even gets to that stage.

The mere thought of doing that doesn’t sit well with me at all. I already know that’s not an option.

“What about you?” He asks again. “Not letting that woman screw with your head again?”