Page 40 of Scores Of The Heart

If what I’m seeing – with Tyler wearing tight fitting boxers is anything to go by – I can only imagine how he looks without them. It’s an equally intimidating, but delightful thought.

The sports editor at the Seattle Times headlined him with ‘Peterson drops his pants for Ralph Lauren ad campaign. This is one of the reasons why he’s called the Seattle Hawks bad boy in the first place, and I don’t think he really cares.

I’m realizing more and more that it’s just an image. In real life, he’s nothing like the guy posing in the photos, as hot as it is. And he looks even hotter in real life.

But he didn’t seem to display an ounce of the attitude that he’s usually renowned for the other night. Sure, he could have been putting on the Mr. Nice Guy act, but would he really do that and risk being reprimanded by the Hawks for starting something with me?

And is that what it is?—someone he can’t really have without divulging it to the team's officials and my dad. Maybe that’s the appeal. I’m off limits.

I guess if we have coffee and meet up during the week, I might be a little bit closer to finding out the answers to some of my questions.

He’ll probably run a mile anyway if he even gets to the point of finding out about my upbringing. And the fact I’ve had one partner and no other prospects could be an issue for a man so wise in the ways of the world. Or maybe he’ll be fine with it. Am I overthinking this?

It is what it is, and like Cait said, I don’t need to change for anyone.

But tonight it’s me and Henry for some quiet time. And then the bathtub where I can soak my aching body, and relax, thinking about Tyler and what will happen this week. And maybe my trusty bullet thrown in for good measure. It is waterproof, after all.



Monday rolls around fast, but for once I don’t care. They all roll into one these days, anyway. Dinner with my mom and dad was a hoot last night, and I got to catch up with my brothers and Christoph’s wife, Amy, and their little newborn, Leon. He’s a cute little thing.

Mom’s Moussaka was as outstanding as it always is, and she got to asking about my love life, of course. My dad, Theo, tends to keep out of it. But Mom being Mom can’t leave it alone. She worries about me.

“You know I’m never going to get any grand babies out of you at the rate you’re going,” she said, like it was all my fault. And maybe in retrospect it was.

“Mom, don’t start.”

“Leave the boy alone.” My dad was always the peacekeeper in our family, waving Leon in front of her to distract from the subject.

I smiled at my dad gratefully. “You know, I may not even want to have kids, Mom. It’s not a crime these days, you know.”

Mom gave me a strange look over her glasses. “Don’t be absurd, Tyler.”

All the while, Dion and Christoph were chuckling their heads off.

“I’m being serious, Mom. Plenty of people these days are waiting until later on, or not at all.”

She didn’t like the sounds of that idea. It’s like the thought has never entered her head.

“You wouldn’t want to break your mother’s heart, now would you?” She bounced baby Leon up and down on her knee, cooing in his face. She’s clearly in her element being a Grandma, and it’s hard to believe my parents are even old enough to be Grandparents, as they just don’t seem old to me.

“I wouldn’t even know what to do with a baby,” I muttered.

“It’s all poop and scoop, bro,” Chris ever-so-helpfully added for good measure.

I screwed my nose up at that idea. “Why not pick on Dion,” I interjected, trying to take the heat off myself. “Anyway, how are you and Marissa going?” I offer him a smug smile. Knowing it’s on and off at the best of times and his dating life has been worse than my track record.

“About as good as you and Stacey,” he fired back. That earned him a stony faced glare from me. I didn’t appreciate him bringing her up like that, but my little brother knows no boundaries.

“Thanks, bro, but it’s been over with her for a while now.”

“Anyone new on the horizon?” Mom looked hopeful, ignoring our jibes back and forth.

God, if only I could tell someone. But it’s not like I know if Cindy and I were a thing. One stolen kiss in the car and a few heated glances at the staff meeting are hardly anything to confirm our status.

Usually I’m good at this shit, but with her, I had no idea what she was thinking. She seemed to keep it all close to her chest.