Here we fucking go.

“Anyone would think you’re sitting here stalking the admin girls,” he chuckles as his coffee is brought over by the bubbly server and he gives her a wink and a smile.

For fuck’s sake, Jay.

I slowly turn my head to look at him. “What?” I try to feign confusion.

The best thing with him is to play dumb, or at least attempt it.

“Eight thirty every morning,” he sighs. “It’s all coming to me now.”

“What’s coming to you?” Not that I want to know the answer.

“You’re telling me you just like the coffee here?”

“No idea what train of thought you’re on this time.” I take another swig. “But yes, I do like the coffee here.” I’m internally disappointed that she was quicker than usual at getting inside the building. My moment is over before it’s even begun.

And I can’t tell anyone, even Jay, because it can never go anywhere.

“Wasn’t that Cindy Carter just now?” He continues.

I try my best to ignore him, even if I’m clenching my fist under the table.

Why he takes this moment in time to be more observant than he’s ever been is beyond me. I think I’d rather him ramble about his grab-fest on the dancefloor last night than scrutinize what I’m doing. Jay wouldn’t care, he’d be all for it. In fact, he’d be devising ways around the little non-fraternization clause thing in our contracts without permission. The truth is, I want to keep it to myself until I figure it out.

I know I’m being a possessive motherfucker to my friend over a girl I don’t even know, but know enough that I can’t ever have her. And I’ll never know. “Who?” I give him a quizzical look.

He grins. “Whatever, bro. But she’s outta all our leagues, even yours.”

“What makes you say that?” I bite, and I know I shouldn’t. I need to keep my fantasy and obsession under wraps. Fucking bide your time, idiot.

“Coach Carter’s daughter, for one. Do you want me to add to that?”

“Am I going to be able to stop you?”

I blame Coach Carter for this even happening in the first place. Not because he’s the father to such a stunning daughter to begin with—one that not only looks mysterious but I’ve heard is super smart and most definitely loves hockey—but because I overheard her dad talking to someone before all my stalkery started and I heard something that I can’t wrap my head around.

Something no one was supposed to hear.

And now, it’s made me even more protective of her. Someone I don’t know personally, but I feel a connection to that I can’t explain to anyone, even myself.

Protecting? Yes. That sounds better than being a stalker.

Not that she would ever want, or probably need, my protection. But if I watch from afar, at least I can know she’s safe.

My mind wanders back to the conversation Coach Carter had just a few weeks ago; When I walked up to his office to ask him about the line-up for the upcoming finals, and to go over a few strategy things…

“She’s fitting in perfectly well, Adele, she’s been here long enough now to know what she’s doing… I know that, you think I don’t know? We can’t keep her contained in bubble wrap for the rest of her life…”

I pause by the door, feeling like an ass, because I should just walk away. But who are they talking about? Maybe Cindy? I’ve no idea what Cindy’s mom is called, but I know Coach is married to a beautiful southern lady called Angelique, and I don’t think that’s Cindy’s mom.

I linger because I really need to get his attention. Coach Carter is one hard guy to pin down.

I pull out my cell and play around with some messages while he finishes his conversation. Hopefully that won’t take long.

“You’ve got to let Cindy live her life, Adele. She has the same set of friends since college. They’re good kids… no, she isn’t seeing anyone, not that I know of… I know but it’s been a long time since that incident.” My ears prick up at the mention of Cindy. So they are talking about her. It must be his ex-wife. “I’ve protected her the best I can her whole life. You can’t have twenty-four-hour security. She wouldn’t want that. It was a near miss in college, Adele. We were lucky. They charged that asshole who tried to grab her in the parking lot. It’s over with… and Damon too. You can’t keep harping on at her every time you talk about her ex boyfriend, that’s what pushed her away in the first place.”

My interest is more than piqued now. Like a complete and utter asshole, I’ve stopped scrolling and I’m hanging onto every word. Someone tried to grab her in a parking lot when she was in college? What the fuck? And what about her ex boyfriend?