Page 37 of Scores Of The Heart

“Yes, it’s a guy.” I sigh.

She claps her hands together and urges me to go on.

“It’s a long story,” I begin. “But you can’t breathe a word, especially to Dad.”

She laughs her head off. “Like I’m gonna run to Dad! Why would I do that?”

“Well.” I press my lips together for a moment. “He’s a player for the Hawks.”

Her eyes grow wide and she literally jumps up and down. “Cindy! What the fuck!”

I giggle. Caitlin has always thrown an F bomb here or there when Mom’s not around. “Look, it’s all new, early days. I didn’t even know he liked me really until last night.”

“What happened last night?”

Gawd, I still haven’t even told Susie yet. I need to message her when I get home.

“Me and Susie were having dinner and we bumped into him. Long story short, he gave us both a ride home, and we kissed in the car after Susie left.”

A huge grin spreads across my sister’s face. “Which player?” She breathes, clearly loving this new piece of information.

“Tyler Peterson,” I whisper, like someone can hear us in a quiet parking lot where there’s no one else around.

She gives me that wide-eyed look again. “OHMYGOD. He’s hot, Cindy!”

“I know.” I slap myself on the forehead. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I really like him.”

This is where I often feel like the little sister when it comes to guys. I can give Caitlin all the advice in the world on other subjects, but not on relationships.

“I’ll tell you what you’re gonna do, jump his goddamned bones. You think hot guys like him come along every day? Well, maybe they do at the stadium, but you know what I mean.”

We both laugh at the irony of that statement. “We had a team meeting on Monday and he couldn’t stop staring at me. Thank God Dad was too engrossed in strategy to notice what his captain was up to.”

“This is so freaking hot. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“It’s brand new,” I say. “The kiss only happened last night.”

“Do you know how much I’m loving this right now?”

I shake my head. “You don’t understand. This is a huge problem.”

“Are you insane?”

I give her a look. “Our contracts clearly state the no fraternization policy without permission. And dating one of the guys is definitely off limits.”

“Well, either screw the policy or get permission!”

“It’s not as easy as that. We both want to keep our jobs in the process. And anyway, it probably won’t even come to that.” I shake my head. “I’m just thinking out loud.”

“Show me the text!”

I’m dying to read it, but I want to do it when I’m on my own. “Don’t you dare.”

“Seriously, Cinds. You don’t know how happy it makes me to see that look on your face. Surely, if you both want to take things further, you can talk to Dad and the Hawks? Could there be a way around it?”

“I’m not sure.” I shrug. “I guess I’m gonna have to dig that contract out. I didn’t think it was a possibility until last night.”

“He’s clearly into you. How was the kiss?”