Page 33 of Scores Of The Heart

I keep on pulling, knowing I need friction between my legs.

Now’s the time to pull out my trusty bullet. I haven’t used it in a while.

I leave my shirt, bra and purse on the floor and flick on the bedroom lamp. While Henry is distracted eating, I make haste to my nightstand, pushing down my jeans as I go. Reaching in, I find the hot pink number and quickly get comfy on the bed between the cushions, spreading my legs wide. One hand tugs at my nipple, while my other hand switches my bullet on and pulls my panties aside to rest it on my sweet spot. I’m so damned sensitive as I rock my hips as soon as it touches me. The bullet buzzing away right where I need it the most. I watch my breasts bounce as I move my hips, thinking about Tyler’s deep voice and the way he touched me softly. If his sexy kiss is anything to go by, I’d say he’s good at everything else, too.

It doesn’t take long for fireworks to go off, because about a minute later I’m coming with a long drawn-out groan. My orgasm spiraling through my body, snaking its way over my exposed flesh. I can feel it from head to toe. The first one is always the most intense, but I don’t stop until I wring out another few. One after the other, they come. And I imagine Tyler with his head between my legs, his stubble scratching on the insides of my thighs as he sucks my sweet spot into his mouth.

It’s so damned dirty, and not something I’ve ever experienced. But I want to.

I want to let go, to let this stranger do whatever the hell he wants with me and my body.

It’s not the first time I’ve had this thought tonight when it comes to Tyler. It shocks me, but not enough to want to stop.

When I’m panting and spent, but not truly free of the ache deep within me, I switch off the bullet and lie like a starfish looking up at the ceiling. Just in time to hear Henry racing up the hall to find me.

I don’t know what in the hell I’m going to do if I don’t do something about this soon.

I mean, how soon is too soon?

The larger part of me says now is as good a time as any. It’s not like I haven’t felt the urge in the past when I’ve dated, but it never felt as passionate as this.

It does with Tyler.

It’s a whole new level with him, and it scares the shit out of me.

I know I need to be brave and either get to know him and see if he’s really into it – or is it just because I’m the coach’s daughter and a little off limits? Or should I walk away now before it all gets too much?

* * *

Lunch with my mom and Caitlin is a nice change .

Mom seems in a good mood. She still does a lot for the local church where she now lives in Tacoma and works as a pharmacist at City Chemists.

“You both look well,” mom says as we order a cobb salad each for lunch and mineral water.

“You do too, Mom. Are you doing something new with your hair?” Caitlin asks.

Caitlin is pretty much a younger version of me, with the same jet black hair and dark eyes. Just, she’s a little taller than me, and slimmer.

“I cut two inches off,” Mom says. “And I did that ages ago. Has it been that long since I saw you both?”

“I’ve been busy.” Caitlin shrugs.

“Me too,” I confess. “The conference finals are taking up everyone’s time at the stadium.”

Mom keeps her face stony. She always hated that damned game.

“How’s your father?” She asks me.

“He’s good, Mom. The same.” I shrug.


Why does she always ask about her? Angelique is a beautiful brunette lady he met in through one of his coaching sessions in the off season. She’s from Georgia originally, and has a ten-year-old son, Max.

They’re a good fit and have been married for three years now.

I never thought my dad would get married again, but they got together slowly and it’s obvious they love each other. I’m happy for them.