“You sure?” I ask her friend, then glance at Cindy. “I mean, I don’t wanna intrude.”
“You’re not intruding.” Susie assures me.
I wanna know what Cindy thinks, so I give her a chin lift and I see her smile shyly.
“We’d love for you to join us,” she says, in a slightly shaky voice.
I don’t know what that’s all about. Do I make her nervous?
Wouldn’t that be something. If only she knew how hard my heart was hammering in my chest.
So I pull out a chair right next to Cindy and sit down, placing my takeaway coffee cup on the table. They look like they’re just finishing their meal, but I decide not to order anything, even when the server comes over to ask me.
“What have you girls been up to this weekend?” I ask, glancing first at her friend, as I don’t wanna appear rude.
“Not much,” Susie says. “Just catching up on housework.”
“Same.” Cindy nods. “Well, that and hanging out with Henry.”
I stare at her a moment too long. Henry? Who the fuck is Henry?
“Oh, my dog,” she quickly amends, probably noticing my furrowed brows.
I soften a little, realizing I’m acting like a possessive asshole. “Your dog?” I muse.
“Yeah, he’s a one-year-old black French bulldog.”
“They’re cool dogs.” I grin. I’m glad she’s a dog person. My parents have a golden retriever and I vowed one day, when my hockey career is over and I’m home more, I’ll have a bunch of dogs.
“He’s the best,” Cindy gushes.
So I know now what subject she’s gonna not mind talking about if we’re stuck for conversation. Not that we are, it flows pretty effortlessly. And that’s saying something since I barely know either of them, and I just crashed their dinner. I like how it’s easy flowing though, and not awkward.
“My parents have a retriever. She’s the sweetest,” I tell them. “Though she sheds and her fur is absolutely everywhere.”
They both laugh.
“Henry sheds a little,” she says. “But it’s pretty manageable.”
“What about you Susie? Do you have any pets?” I ask her, as they finish up the last of their wine.
“I have a moggy called Muffy.” She laughs into her wineglass.
“Ah, you’re a cat girl.”
“All the way. I love dogs too, but Muffy wouldn’t like having a dog around.”
“Yeah, they tend to be a bit like that, and not as needy as dogs can be. When I go to my parents, Ruby expects a half an hour belly rub before I even sit down.”
That has them laughing again. I like being the cause of that.
I’m also learning pets are a very safe and encouraging topic. Good to know.
We banter back and forth a little more before it looks like the night is coming to a close. To which I offer them a lift home since Cindy said they took a cab tonight as they were both having wine.
“I’d be happy to drive you,” I tell them. Anything to get some more time with her.
I’ve really enjoyed sitting here talking to her and her friend tonight, but I’m not done or ready to say goodnight.