Page 138 of Scores Of The Heart

“Did you touch yourself after we met?” I grunt.


“What with?” It’s getting hard to think, but I love hearing what she did.

“My bullet.”

“Fuck, Cindy.”

“I saw stars thinking about you,” she pants.

I push into her harder. Her bed is protesting and we’re making so much noise it’s a wonder the whole street can’t hear us. Henry must be outside doing his business, cos he hasn’t come scratching on the door to see what the commotion is about yet. Thank God.


“Yeah, and I’m going to come, Ty.”

My fingers between us are rubbing frantically at her sweet spot as we go hard and no sooner than she said it, she’s wailing out my name as her body shudders and pulls my orgasm and I pulse a few moments later, shooting my load inside her. I’m as loud as usual, but I know she loves it.

“Holy shit.” I pull back to look into her eyes in my aftershocks as she clutches me for dear life.

I’m reminded again that we have such an incredible connection between us, and nobody upon nobody is going to break it.

“I love you, Ty,” she breathes as I stay seated in her for as long as possible before we have to break apart. And I plan on doing this all night once we get to Mercer and shut away from the world. Fuck the papers. Fuck our exes and anyone else who tries to get in the way of us. I’m not going to let it happen.

“I love you too, Cind. So fucking much.”

* * *

We ride the shit storm of the press over the next couple of days. Of course, they have the photo of me and Stacey next to the photo of me and Cindy, so I look like an even bigger asshole.

We were quick though, because of Angelique’s suggestion to us later that day to put in writing to the board of the Hawks about our situation and the fact we have only just started dating. Neither of us want to jeopardize our jobs, and getting in before the less than flattering news article came out was a smart move. We technically only made things official in Miami, and that wasn’t even that long ago.

I contact Stacey again the next day, as I can’t wait any longer to get this paternity test out of the way. Her doctor advised an amniocentesis paternity test would need to be done, it sounded invasive and I was tentative at first, but if we go through the birth and the baby turns out not to be mine…What then?

I honestly don’t know if I trust Stacey at this point because she seems so wishy-washy about everything. I mean, she still took all this time to even tell me she was pregnant.

She tells me she’ll be okay with it and we meet at a hospital outside of the city on Wednesday morning to take my sample required for the results, which we’re told should come back within five business days, sometimes it can take longer. Stacey looks pretty worse for wear and we don’t even speak that much. I’m still getting over everything that’s happened just lately.

“This week has been a shit show for both of us,” I say. “Especially with that newspaper article.

If there’s anything you need to tell me, you need to do it now.”

“It wasn’t great for me either having my information splashed around in the Seattle Times,” she says on the way out. I escort her to the car at least. Cindy is waiting for me around the corner where I left her and Henry at the coffee shop.

She spoke to her dad last night, and he definitely has had the influence of Angelique for sure, as he didn’t yell or curse once. I’m hoping he’s coming around to the idea sooner rather than later. If he’s still pissed off at me by pre-season training, I may need to emigrate.

Cindy is also insisting I wait for the results before I get too carried away with planning the rest of our future with all the baby stuff in mind. Stacey has given me no indication that I should be worried about that. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a done deal. She told me she hasn’t been with anyone else.

I’m just lucky, as well as glad that Cindy even wants to be a part of it.

“I’ll talk to you in a few days,” I say to Stacey before we leave the hospital.

She reaches out to hug me and I let her because she definitely looks very down and I don’t want to add to her or the baby’s stress. “Okay.” She smiles weakly.

I guess I should have sensed then something was wrong. Something very wrong…

Not even something I could conjure up in my wildest dreams…