I don’t know what my dad saw in her or how they got together, and I’ve often thought this. At least with Dad, I know he’ll come around eventually.
We make it out to the car when another car pulls up. I can’t even believe what I’m seeing when I’m almost inside, ready to make our getaway and Damon, of all people, steps out of the car. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone.
So Mom wasn’t even kidding about that!
“Oh, God, Tyler. It’s my ex, Damon. I didn’t for one second think Mom was serious.”
He sighs, looking more troubled than ever. I’m not sure how much more either of us can take for one day, but I straighten myself out, leaving Henry sitting on the passenger seat for a second.
I see Sheila just before Tyler rounds the front of the car to stand by me.
“Cindy sweetheart, it’s so good to see you.”
My heart is thudding in my chest. I look down at the ground. I haven’t seen her since the whole debacle years ago and no one stood up for me then, except my father.
She brushed it all under the carpet as much as my own mom did.
“I wish I could say the same,” I retort.
She gasps like I slapped her. “Obviously, you’re surprised to see us, honey. Your mom…”
“That doesn’t even cut it, and I don’t want to talk about my mom right now.” I glance at Damon, who is looking about ten shades paler than normal. He hasn’t changed much, except he’s a little taller, his hair a little shaggier. I can’t help but feel he still looks like a boy compared to Tyler, who’s all strapping and broody next to me.
I hear Tyler’s breath shift as he places a protective hand on my hip.
That right there says it all. I glance up at him. “This is Damon’s mom, Sheila, and my ex, Damon.
“Tyler Peterson, Cindy’s boyfriend,” he replies curtly.
Damon’s eyes grow wide when he puts two and two together about who Tyler is.
The fact Tyer said he’s my boyfriend flutters in my stomach, and I know right then, even despite all this angst, we’re going to work this shit out once and for all.
Tyler and I are meant to be together, come what may.
I glance at Damon. It’s been such a long time. I didn’t expect to see him like this in my mom’s driveway in Tacoma!
“Cindy.” He nods his head towards me and then looks at Tyler. Neither guys look happy to see each other.
“I’m going to head inside,” Sheila quickly says, “Let you kids talk it out.”
“We were actually just leaving,” I reply as Sheila scurries past us to get inside.
Nope, she never was one for confrontation.
“Cindy, wait!” Damon reaches for my arm, but Tyler takes a step in front of me.
“Don’t touch her!” He says, giving Damon a shove in the shoulder.
Oh god, this is all we need.
Now there’s a testosterone competition going on in my mom’s driveway. My new boyfriend picking a fight with my old one from years ago.
“Hey, I just wanted to talk to Cindy for a moment,” he protests, holding his hands up.
“It’s fine,” I say to Tyler. “I’m sure he’s here for his mom’s benefit.”
“And I’m sure he isn’t,” Tyler seethes. “If you upset her in any way, shape, or form, I’ll end you.” He points right in Damon’s face. Thankfully, Damon doesn’t fight back. He looks scared shitless, actually.