That’s a relief. It’s good to know these things, because I’d love to have a family. I also figured if she would be okay with me potentially raising a child from another woman, she is probably the type that wants children some day.
It sounds awfully selfish, and I’ve only known Cindy a short while, but I wish it was her. I wish it was our future, and her belly round with my baby. The thought is fucking thrilling. Not that I will love this little girl about to be born any less.
“You’d be a great mom,” I say wholeheartedly.
“You think so?”
“Cind, you’re one of a kind. You’d be good at anything, especially with kids. I can totally see it.”
“Have you thought about being a dad before now?” She whispers.
The corner of my mouth lifts in a smile. “Yeah, I have always wanted kids. If my head is still attached to my shoulders after we talk to your father, then I may still have a future to think about it more.”
“I’m sure it won’t be as bad as you think. We just have to be honest. I think we should go there now.”
“I agree.”
She reaches over to kiss me again, and I’m not even sure I deserve it.
I’ve brought nothing but fucking problems to her, but she still seems to take everything in her stride. I don’t think many people would. “It’s going to take me some time to adjust to all of this,” she whispers. “But I’m willing to try.”
“Me too. We can only see how things go, baby.”
“I missed you last night,” she breathes.
“I missed you too.”
“I think Henry did too.”
We both look down at him laying on the fluffy rug, looking quite at home, and laugh.
“He seems to fit in anywhere.” I chuckle.
“He’s good like that.”
“Thank you for coming out here, too. Your text this morning surprised me because I didn’t know how this was going to go. I was going to drive to your place today to explain everything.”
“It’s okay,” she says. “I just woke up first thing thinking about you and couldn’t go back to sleep.”
“I was thinking about you, too. I just wasn’t in the right frame yesterday to talk to you about how it went. I knew I had to see my folks straight after I met with Stacey and get their perspective and try to clear my head.”
“I understand, Ty. How did your parents react?”
“They were shocked but very supportive,” I say. “It’s a complicated situation, but for their grandchild there is nothing they won’t do either. So they said they will help out and do anything they can to make sure the little one is looked after and in safe hands.”
Cindy has tears in her eyes as I look at her. “That’s so lovely, Tyler. They sound like amazing people, just as amazing as you are.”
I laugh without humor. “I’ve caused you nothing but problems so far.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is and we both know it. You’re just being nice, gawd knows why. You should kick my ass to the curb, yell and scream at me and tell me you never want to see me again!”
“I wouldn’t do that to you, Ty.”
“I don’t think you have a mean or angry bone in your body.”
“Some would say it’s my downfall,” she sighs.