“I think he’s nuts about you,” Suse says. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about there. From what you’ve said, he seems very upfront about that. I don’t think he’d get back with his ex because of the baby.”
“They were done ages ago,” Em adds.
“But he hasn’t seen her since then, and even so, how the hell are we going to do this if he means what he says and still wants to be with me?”
“That’s a question only you can answer, Cinds. It would be tough, especially because he would see his ex on the regular.”
“She was talking about adopting the baby out at one point,” I sigh.
They both stare at me wide-eyed. I hadn’t gotten around to telling Susie that part over the phone.
“Wow, what?” Em balks.
“She mentioned it to him when they spoke, she may give the baby up. I don’t know the details yet or if she wants it, or what he will do otherwise.”
“Holy crap.” Suse sits back on the sofa. “This is more complicated than I first thought.”
“Tell me about it,” I sigh. More complicated than any of us thought.
“The question you have to ask is if you can be with him and have a new baby in the picture,” Suse adds. “Em’s right about that.”
“I don’t know the answer to that,” I admit.
“And that’s fine too,” Em says. “You might not know yet, and it’s okay. But you obviously have deep feelings for him. It’s been a long time coming, Cinds.”
It has, and they know it the best. They’ve been around since college, after all.
“It has,” I agree. “And he’s so wonderful when we’re together. He’s so alpha and protective. I’ve fallen for him, so that in itself is a problem.”
“Not necessarily,” Sue says softly. “All that matters is how you feel about each other. You can work the rest out. Granted, it’s not conventional what’s happening, but if you love each other, then you’ll navigate it somehow.”
“It’s a lot, though,” I whisper. “Like, I don’t know what my parents are going to say. I’m still on the outs with my mom. She’ll have a field day with this.”
“It only matters how you two feel about each other, with or without her judgment,” Em says. “You’re a good person, Cindy. If your mom can’t see that part, and the fact you can choose your own partner and make your own decisions, that’s on her. If you love Tyler and want to be with him, despite what’s going on with this baby stuff, then that’s up to you.”
I smile as Henry tramples off Em’s lap and pads over to me across the couch.
He knows when I’m not feeling emotionally the best and always tries to comfort me.
I wrap my arms around him as he snuggles into my chest. “I just need some time. I felt bad for Ty. I told him to leave.”
“I’m sure he understands,” Em says. “It’s a pretty big shock to take in.”
Suse wraps her arm around me and hugs me to her side. “Just take your time, Cinds. You don’t have to rush into anything, see how things go and what Tyler has to say when he meets with her.”
“That’s a good idea.” I nod. I have trepidation about that, but the fears I have there aren’t from Tyler primarily. They stem from the betrayal a long time ago, and this is nothing like that. He should have told me, yes. But realistically he had only just found out himself, and from what I can gather, he doesn’t know fully yet that he is the father.
I don’t feel as though I’m trying to make excuses for him, because there would be no point to that, but I am trying to see things objectively from his side.
I know I need to talk to him as soon as possible. I’m nervous about what he’s going to say after meeting his ex.
This is big. So I just hope I’m strong enough to handle the fallout.
* * *
My phone is vibrating and it’s late. I went to bed after watching some mindless trashy TV and having some takeout with the girls and a glass of wine.
I got a text from Tyler before I turned in for the night. It was pretty short and to the point.