Page 119 of Scores Of The Heart

He said it was well and truly over between them, but that was before he’s even looking at the woman. Things could change instantly, especially where his unborn child is concerned.

Unborn child.

The thought it just too unreal for me to even accept right now.

I don’t know where it leaves anything.

I just know I love Tyler, and if he still wants to be with me, we’re going to have to find a way around this with a new baby in the mix. It’s a lot to think about taking on so new in our relationship.

The crazy thing is, when all is said and done, it doesn’t change the way I feel about him.

I hate that I kicked him out. But I really needed to process everything.

I’m still upset over the fact he waited to tell me, especially when things got hot and heavy with us over that weekend in Miami when he found out.

Granted, he was processing the information, and he hadn’t even seen his ex, but it still hurts.

I know I can’t work this all out alone. I need another perspective… And I know just the person to call.

Both Susie and Emmerson roll up to my place an hour later. Maddison is back in Florida with Ashton where he’s staying for a while during the off season.

I called Suse on the hop, and she was with Em, so they both came over.

I don’t mind Em knowing. I’ve known her a long time too. They’ve been nothing but supportive of my relationship with Tyler in these early stages, and they’ve kept it quiet as well until we have a chance to work things out.

Em is looking fabulous since she got back together with Taylor the night they won the Stanley Cup. Her face is a picture of a thousand words as she gives me a hug and then drops to her knees to give Henry some love, picking him up in her arms and cooing him like a baby. He’s a real people kinda guy and has always loved my friends.

“How are you holding up?” Suse asks, when she pulls back from hugging me.

I’ve been a mess for hours since Tyler left. “Not good,” I sigh. I blurted out the main parts to her over the phone because I couldn’t keep it in any longer.

“I can’t believe it,” Em says, as we all walk down the hall into the lounge. She’s still carrying Henry.

“I know. It was all going so perfectly. We’re supposed to be going to my dad’s this weekend to break the news so we can stop sneaking around.”

“What does Tyler want to do?” Suse asks, as we all sit down on the sofa.

Em sits on Henry’s chaise part, her long legs take up the length of it. Henry jumps up on her lap and makes himself comfortable.

“I think he was pretty shocked himself, still. He made it clear he wants to be in the kid’s life, but not get back with her.”

“I’m sure it came as a huge shock,” Em says. “I mean, they split up months ago, right?”

“Yeah, six months ago or more.”

“It’s crazy that he’s only just finding out about it now.” Susie shakes her head sympathetically. “I mean, that’s a long time to keep that from him. He must be shocked out of his mind.”

“Yeah, he was. When he told me, I compared it to finding Damon and Jessica together all those years ago. I felt so awful the minute the words came out of my mouth. But I was shocked that he knew in Miami and never mentioned anything.

Both of their eyes bug wide.

“We were intimate that weekend,” I clarify. “So that makes it all the more weird.”

I told Suse when we got back what had happened, but I haven’t seen Emmerson since she flew back from Florida last week.

“Oh, wow Cindy, this is huge,” Em says. “And Tyler must be going out of his brain. Did you say he’s meeting her today?”

“Yeah, as we speak.”