Page 114 of Scores Of The Heart

I see the fear there. Her eyes are watery too. I know she cares about me, it’s written all over her face.

“I’m sorry, Cind. I regret not telling you when it happened, but please believe me, I’m just as shocked as you are. I have no idea how to navigate this.”

She softens a little, but not much. “Talk to her, do what you need to do. We’ll talk when I’ve had some time to process it all.”

I nod. Not quite satisfied with the fact I may not be coming back here later.

Maybe I need to go to my parents. In fact, that’s probably a good idea.

Some space might be the best thing while we both figure out what the fuck I’m going to do if Stacey really is pregnant with my baby.

We say our goodbyes and I give Henry a cuddle. He went jogging with me just this morning. Cindy met us in the park on the way back where we had a coffee.

It feels like so much has happened since then. Too much, I can’t keep up.

I’m nervous as hell about seeing Stacey again. But uptown isn’t usually a place where I need to worry about anyone seeing me. I’m not a Hollywood movie star, but sometimes it happens. Usually if we’re at a trendy club or a restaurant.

I’m sure no one is going to be on the ready for a photo op outside Cosmos cafe this afternoon.

I try to steel myself as I find the cafe, knowing if I’m not ready now, I may never be ready. Maybe this is all just a nightmare, and I’m going to wake up from it any moment without any cares in the world… The season is over, we won the Stanley Cup, and I can relax with my girl at my place at Mercer Island.

But when I walk up to the cafe and I see her waiting outside, at least, I think it’s her, my heart kicks up about a thousand notches.

Her profile matches everything I remembered from the time we’re together; light brown hair — though it’s shorter — petite frame, deep brown eyes, and full lips.

She turns a moment later. What I’m not prepared for is the huge baby bump she is most definitely displaying.

Fuck. This isn’t a dream anymore. And she’s not playing.

My eyes don’t move from her stomach as I walk up to her. She finally sees me, the recognition in her face tells me she is kinda relieved I’m here. Her shoulders sag a little, and she lets out a sigh.

“Stacey.” I stand there, not knowing how to greet her. Does she expect me to be happy she’s kept this from me for over six fucking months?

I clench my jaw and try my best to keep my temper at bay.

“Tyler,” she says, softly. I barely hear her.

I glance down at her belly again. “I see things have changed since we saw each other.”

“Yes, they have,” she sighs. “Let’s go inside. We’ll talk there.”

I’m so shocked to see her heavily pregnant, I don’t know how else to feel anymore.

Am I at least happy she told me eventually before she ran off and adopted my child out without me knowing? It could be worse, I suppose.

I walk up to the counter and order us both a coffee while she takes a seat in a quiet nearby booth. She’s sliding out of her long jacket when I walk over and take a seat.

“This is really fucking awkward,” I tell her. I can’t fucking stop staring at her round belly. I can’t believe it.

“Ty, you have to know how sorry I am.” She reaches for my forearm, but I move it away.

“Can you just get to the part where you tell me why you kept this from me for so long?”

“I told you I never meant to do that. I thought I was doing what was best for the both of us. I didn’t want to disturb your life, or ruin it for that matter.”

I laugh without humor. “You thought that was the best thing for me to not know about my own child? By the way, are you really sure it’s mine?”

I don’t care how it sounds. The truth is, the moment she found out she should have contacted me, we could have worked this out together months ago.