“They’re as good as ever. I’ll be heading back to Mercer for at least a couple of weeks, starting next week, to catch up with them. I need some downtime.”
“Cindy going with you?”
“If she’ll still have me.”
“From what it sounds like, you two are strong. And I can see you’ve got it bad for her. I guess when you know, you know. It’s gonna be tough on the both of you, but she sounds like the kind of girl that would support you.”
“I think she would too. But this is a lot. She’s the woman of my dreams, it just works between us, Luke. I don’t want to ruin it.”
“Something tells me the only way you’re going to do that is the longer you keep it from her.”
I know he’s right. He’s the voice of reason that I knew he was going to be. And getting his opinion, being a person on the outside looking in, is invaluable. I respect his input.
We eat lunch and I try my best to talk sports and other shit that doesn’t include my impending discussion with Stacey, Cindy, and then Cindy’s father. That’s going to be a whole barrel of laughs too when he finds out. I think I’m almost dreading that part the most. Not only have I gone behind his back and team policy, but I’ve been secretly seeing his daughter behind closed doors. I nailed her in Miami while on a work charity event and have been nailing and corrupting her ever since. Now we’re about to come clean so we don’t get in trouble with our jobs, and my ex is saying she’s nine months pregnant with my child she doesn’t want to raise.
The mind doesn’t just boggle, it’s going to explode.
After Luke and I part ways and he wishes me good luck, saying he’ll call me later to check how things went, I jump in my car and take it for a fast drive on the back roads out of town. I’ve got time to clear my head before I head Uptown.
When I’m halfway back to my place Cindy calls and something strikes me from what Luke said, and it’s been screaming at me ever since; the words need to come from me first. I don’t want Cindy to find out any other way.
Before I even answer, I’m doing a U-turn in the middle of the street to the annoyance of the other vehicles around me, avoiding a near miss and ignoring several horns beeping at me. I decide to head over to her place before I get to Stacey.
“Babe,” I say, when I answer. Not trying to sound grave, like my life is potentially over. But I can’t help it.
She picks up on it immediately. “Ty, what’s wrong?”
“Something’s happened,” I say. “I met with Luke just now, but I’m coming over if you’re there.”
“I’m home,” she says. “What’s happened? Is Luke okay?”
“He’s fine.”
“Are you okay? Ty, talk to me?”
“I’m physically okay, but there’s something else. I’ll be there soon.”
“You’re scaring me.”
“I’ll be there in fifteen.”
I hang up and step on the gas. I can’t believe I’d even wait another second before telling her. It’s the fair thing to do, and if by some chance the whole Stacey thing turns out to be some kind of sick joke, at least Cindy will know I didn’t keep something from her. Even though I have.
I don’t know what she’s going to think. I defiled her for god’s sake. I’ve been showing her a wild time ever since that night in Miami. And more to the point, I love her.
I’ve slept at her place most nights with Henry snuggled between us. We both know it’s not right sneaking around, but it’s all going to come out this weekend. It can’t come soon enough for me.
One thing I know is that I need her support. I know it’s a lot to ask, and since we’re newly dating, it’s not the kind of thing that’s normal in the slightest.
I don’t want her to freak and decide it’s all too hard, or be pissed for not telling her when it happened.
My head’s a fucking mess. But I need to tackle this head on.
I’m Tyler fucking Peterson. And it’s about time I started acting like it.
* * *
I get to Cindy’s place in record time.