And there it is. “Have you been reading the papers again?” I muse over my coffee. I glance back to my computer as an email comes through from Heidi with this week’s agenda. We’re about to go into our Monday morning meeting.

Putting my coffee down, I quickly swivel forward and print out the email so I have it ready.

“If you read the papers from time to time, you’d know quite a lot more about what’s happening with Tyler Peterson’s love life.” She giggles.

“Why would I want to know that?”

She shakes her head at me. “Mark my words, Cindy. I told you, he’s not passing by to look at me.”

“Why wouldn’t he be? You’re as cute as a button.”

Andrea laughs. “Pigs might fly, too, Cindy.”

I give her a pointed look and shake my head. “Anyway, you know I hate the news. It’s all too depressing.”

“Not the sports pages.” She protests.

“And gossip columns. That’s all that stuff is, gossip. I don’t know how they can print stories about our guys’ personal lives for all to see. I mean, it’s not conducive to the game.”

“I agree. Unfortunately, though, it goes hand in hand.” She shrugs. “I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s the price of fame, I guess.”

It sure would suck to be famous. I have often thought this.

“Anyway. I’m sure Caitlin knows all about the media process. Is she still working for the Seattle Times?”

“Sure is.” I nod. She’s been dating a guy called Liam from the Times publication for two years. Mom is on her back to make things official with him.

Our parents raised us in the catholic faith until an incident involving my ex-Damon and our local church in Buffalo occurred, which made my dad question many things. Dad eventually left the church when we moved. And after my parents divorced, I chose to stay with dad.

And even though my upbringing still reigns heavily upon me, I never went back to church, either.

I know Mom hates Caitlin living in sin, for one. Not that she lives with Liam officially yet, but I know he stays over at her place more times than he’s at home.

My dating life has been a disaster ever since high school.

I've never quite been able to get it right. Ever since Damon… he’s someone I shudder to think about. I hope Mom doesn’t bring him up on Friday when we meet.

She still talks to his mom back home on a regular basis. I think the pair still have high hopes for us in the future, no matter how many times I try to tell my mom it’s over.

It’s been over since the night I caught him with his pants pushed down to his thighs, going at it with Jessica from our Holy Communion. I’d never seen so much flesh on display before. They didn’t even hear me at first… Another shudder.

There’s definitely a whole lot I’ve had to leave in the past during my adolescence and growing up. Life lessons I never thought I’d have to learn so young.

It made me feel very confused about what love was, or what it was supposed to be. I also questioned what the higher purpose is for getting hurt by the people that say they’re supposed to care about you. I’m still not sure I have the answers.

Damon and I made a promise… and he broke it with Jessica. That's something that can never be undone.

I’ve no idea what my parents would think about me and say one of the guys in the team. Take Tyler Peterson, since we’ve been on the subject all morning. The bad boy of the ice. That’s his nickname, anyway.

He seems to have toned down his behavior this past year, probably because he had a girlfriend. But prior to that, he was always causing trouble on and off the ice.

He’s cute. But I’m pretty sure he knows it. I also know for a fact that he’s modeled in just his underwear for various ad campaigns, and he has an array of tattoos adorning his body. Not that I think this is a bad thing. He’s hot. But he’s not the kind of guy my parents would approve of.

Especially Mom. Dad is the more easygoing of the two, and even he’s a hard ass at times.

But his heart is in the right place. Everything he’s done was so Caitlin and I could have a better future. He’s always been present in my life, even when things got bad.

It was my dad’s idea to shun the church, much to my surprise, when they did absolutely nothing about Damon and his little sexscapade in the utility cupboard with Jessica on church property.