“Let me know when you’re free over the next couple of days,” he’d said when I dropped him off at his car. It felt very risqué even doing that, knowing he spent the night.
But it was exciting all the same, and that thrill has not stopped running through me ever since.
“I think you’re gonna be the one who’s busy for the next million years,” I joked as he kissed me goodbye. He gave Henry a ruffle around the ears, as he insisted on sitting on Ty’s lap the whole way to the stadium, and we parted ways for the time being.
He wasn’t kidding when he said Henry likes him a whole lot. And it’s a good thing because Henry is my baby, and I’d be wary if he didn’t take to him, or if it seemed like Ty wasn’t a dog guy. My little Frenchie has been my life since I got him, and he’s helped me a lot when the world has gotten too much. If I’ve had a stressful day at work, or when there’s been times I’ve been thinking about the past, or fighting with mom, Henry has been there without any judgment.
If only humans were the same. Goodness knows what Mom will think about me and Tyler. But the fact is I’m old enough now to make my own decisions and I won’t be swayed anymore by her opinion. And I know already it won’t be a good one. It never is. She hassled Caitlin for the first six months of her seeing Liam, only easing off her when Caitlin put her foot down. I don’t understand how she can’t see that we’re intelligent women, and we’re good people. I guess control is the only thing she’s ever known after being involved so heavily with the church for so long. It kind of became ingrained. But she doesn’t see the practical side of things, that sometimes things aren’t forgivable no matter what Pastor Dan might say. I wish for once she would just acknowledge that she didn’t support me back then when I needed her, and that Damon did the wrong thing. But she will never do that. Her standing with her church friends, because his parents have a lot of sway in the community and organize all the fundraising activities for the church, outweighed supporting her daughter.
There’s no point brooding about it. What’s done is done.
I have to put it behind me, and one of these days return her call.
I’m sure all will be okay again when she’s had some time to settle down. Though I’m not sure I’ll be able to live down the profanities that came out of my mouth that day in the restaurant. Mom was not impressed by that, and it probably wasn’t my finest hour.
I walk Henry when I get home and grab a latte at the corner cafe near my apartment.
Angelique texts me later that morning to see if I want to come over and have dinner with them tonight. We haven’t caught up in a few weeks with the finals and Dad being back and forth with the team. A family catchup with them and Caitlin is just the thing I need. Henry loves going over to their place too.
I get a jolt of excitement during the day, every time I think about Ty and the last twenty-four hours. It’s all a whirlwind. And I can’t keep the stupid grin off my face.
I know I’m going to have to contain it for going to Dad’s place. I don’t want him to be too suspicious before we get a chance to talk to him. Though I’m sure he will probably think I’m on a high with them over the Stanley Cup. And I am, to some degree.
One thing is for sure though, I can’t be wearing Tyler’s numbers in public just yet, or around to Dad’s place for dinner.
That part has to remain a secret for just a little while longer yet.
Two weeks later
The Stanley Cup win aftermath is a little like being a rockstar. The guys all feel it, and the press goes to town after our win. It was such a special night for the team and coaches, not something I’ll ever forget. And I don’t mind reliving it all one bit.
I’m proud of Taylor for winning the Conn Smythe Trophy. It was well deserved and the press has eaten it up.
I’ve seen Cindy on and off whenever we can after the night I spent at her apartment.
It’s the other thing that I just can’t get off my mind. It was such a great end to the best night and game of my life. To spend it with her was a dream. And to get a little bit intimate with her was unexpected. I enjoyed making her feel good.
I know it’s small steps with her. From what she revealed about her past and her ex-boyfriends really gave me a better understanding of where she’s coming from and what she’s experienced up to this point; total douchebags.
And I plan to rectify all of that. I guess I’m a little besotted with her.
Cindy has me at every turn. I love the way she doesn’t try to be anything else — she is who she is — unapologetically. And I love that. To top it off, there’s not a mean bone in her body, and she’s as sweet as pie. I dig the whole lot of it.
When I think of some of the high drama and high maintenance women I’ve dated over the years, Cindy beats every one of them effortlessly.
I’ve been counting down the days to Florida. I decided a while back to go anyway as moral support for Ashton and Taylor in the charity game. Unfortunately, at the last minute, Taylor has had to pull out because his mom is sick and he doesn’t want to leave her before she has surgery. I offered to step in because I’ll be there anyway. It’s worked out for the best as another defenseman has also pulled out at the same time, so I will take his place, and they already have a replacement for Taylor.
I can’t wait to spend a few days away with her.
I never thought we’d be doing this, but I’m glad I said yes all those weeks ago.
The event helps kids in need and raises money for the Miami Gliders, the state youth team. Plus the Youth Team Association and other schools across the state.
I’m all for it. It’s kind of the perfect way to ease into our off season for the next twelve weeks. I know I’m going to be spending it having some R&R at my weekender.