I glance at him again. “Thanks, bro.”
“Hey, I tried to tell you about Stacey. I knew you two weren't compatible.”
“How does that make me being the one who fucked it up?”
“You never let anyone get close.”
“Who the hell are you now, Dr. fucking Phil?” I swipe a hand over my face in exasperation.
I know I need to do something about this obsession. Or at the least, get to know her. She needs to know my existence, at least.
Surely they can't throw me off the team just for that?
While I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize my career in the NHL, my growing need to know Cindy Carter is starting to get consuming. And not just because of what I overheard. I’ve seen her in the halls, sometimes at the cafeteria.
I like the way she holds herself. She’s sweet, and maybe a little on the quiet side. And I get the impression that she may not be too sure of herself because she’s reserved in our staff meetings and is often looking down. I don’t think she has any idea how beautiful she is.
Understated elegance is what my mom would call it. And fuck, I need to call my mom now I’m thinking about it.
Jay shrugs. “I know a hell of a lot more than you might think.”
“All your worldly experience?” I muse. “I wouldn’t exactly call your track record knowledge, Jay. No offense.”
“None taken. But I’m the one getting laid every night, brother. Just remember that.”
I give him the side eye and shake my head. Until Stacey, I never thought I’d be the one even thinking this, but I know there’s more to it than just getting laid every night.
I mean, I know there is. I was in an exclusive relationship with Stacey for the past year. But in the end it was all physical with me and her, and even that faded out.
Maybe I need something more than that? One part I do miss is having someone there for me. Even just a text message during the day to check in.
“Shit gets old,” I say, before I can even stop the words.
Jay laughs and slaps me on the back. “You really have it bad, Ty. For fuck’s sake.”
I shake my head. “Stace got to me, that must be what it is. It’s been a while since I dined out, remember?” I stand up and finish the rest of my coffee, placing the cup back down on the table.
He stands up too, grabbing his takeout cup. “You ate in a lot, Ty. But you’re free to do whatever you want now.”
“True.” I nod. But there’s only one thing I want. And it starts with the letter ‘C’.
I smile to myself as Tyler Peterson passes by, walking down the hall.
“See,” Andrea whispers from the desk next to me. “He’s passed our office every day this week. I think he has a thing for you.”
I laugh into my latte, pushing my glasses up on top of my head. “What? How did you get so much from so little?”
“I have a sixth sense,” she tells me. She’s as bad as Susie, my best friend from college. While Susie is probably more quiet and reserved than what I am, even she has noticed my lull in the boyfriend department over the past few years and has encouraged me to start dating again.
It’s been like this ever since an incident in college a few years back. I shudder whenever I think of the time I was more or less stalked.
I haven't been on a date in over two years, and having drinks with colleagues, even if some are male, doesn't really qualify.
My excuse is, I’ve been busy. I completed my business major and prepared for a job with the Hawks after college. And while all that is true, what happened back in college really set off my nerves, and I’ve plunged myself into work ever since.