“I’m sorry. I heard something about that.”
I glance at her. Nope. She doesn’t look that sorry. “Don’t be. It was a mutual thing. Are you seeing anyone?” I ask outright, though I think it’s a given that she isn’t.
She shakes her head.
“I couldn’t keep my eyes off you at the last meeting,” I keep on spouting.
She laughs and turns a little in her seat as she ejects her seatbelt. “Yes, Andrea told me.”
So they were writing in their notebooks about me. I smile at the thought.
“I’m pretty sure you looked at me back.” I idle at the curb and neither of us moves.
“I couldn’t help it. You’re kind of hard to miss.”
Thank God we’re in the dark. That’s all I can say. I’m struggling to keep anything at bay hearing her words.
Down, boy.
“Really? How so?” I ask, intrigued. I’ve figured out the best way to get answers out of a girl is to fucking well ask.
“You’re very intense,” she says.
Perceptive. I like that. “I could say the same about you.”
She laughs now. It’s soft and musical and all the things I didn’t know I loved until now. “Me? Intense?”
“It’s the eyes,” I breathe, knowing I shouldn’t be so forward and so damned honest because I don’t want to scare her off. But this is me. Up front and center. She’s lucky I’ve been able to keep it at bay this long.
She shakes her head. “You can’t be serious?”
I grin and pop a shoulder. “Now, why would that be so hard to believe?”
“Because there are way more intense, beautiful girls than me,” she says.
I stare at her pretty face for a moment. Does she really have no idea?
I find myself shaking my head. “Nope, I don’t think so, Cindy. I love your hair like that, too.”
She swings her ponytail a little and laughs. “You’re saying I don’t wear my hair up much?”
“I don’t think I’ve seen it up before.” Maybe I’m admitting I’ve been a little too observant, but I’m past the point of caring. “And trust me, I would’ve noticed.”
She purses her lips in the dark and I see her swallow. Shit, is her breathing shallow?
I can’t even glance down at her chest, even though I can see her breasts heaving. I’m trying to set the scene here, not get caught staring at her rack.
“You would?” She plays with the end of her ponytail with her fingers and just that movement has my dick straining even more.
Damn. It’s gonna be another palm-fest when I get home tonight.
“I would,” I reply, as her eyes flick down to my lips.
I think it’s now safe to say that the heat between us is being felt on both sides.
“You’re very beautiful,” I whisper. Unsure why I’m doing that. I guess I don’t wanna break this spell between us. I don’t want the intensity to end when she gets out of the car and walks away from me. “I’ve been thinking it for a while now.”
She presses her lips together as I watch her every movement and fuck it if I don’t lean over and brush some loose strands from her ponytail from her shoulder.