“Oooh!” Simon grins, rubbing his palms together. “We should definitely get together after work to discuss all this, and your strategy moving forward.”
Hopefully, I’ve come up with something for them by then.
“She says that now, but then she’ll make up some excuse, like she’s washing her hair and Henry wants a long belly rub.”
Even I have to giggle at that one. “You two are too much.”
“Friday after work.” Simon points at me like he means business. “We all have a date.”
“Can’t wait.” I smile, tilting my head on the side sweetly.
* * *
The past…
Nothing seemed to get resolved when Damon came over that night after the sermon. In fact, things were horrible. It was embarrassing enough having to face this whole thing just with Damon, but with our entire families involved, I just wanted to shrivel up and die.
At least he looked like was regretting it, so I supposed that was something.
I still hadn’t had my moment with him, to tell him how I really felt, but I knew it was coming. A storm was brewing, and it was going to be unleashed any time soon.
At one point I left the room because I couldn’t take any more while our parents ‘figured it out’. More like how they were going to broach this with Jessica’s parents and get the church involved. It’s a tight-knit community, so I only hoped beyond hope this wasn’t going to spread around.
Besides myself, the person I felt sorry for was my dad. He was always trying to make everything better, and the only one who saw it for what it was.
Not just making excuses like my mom did. “The devil got to him, it happens,” she would say. “Once he gets it out of his system, he’ll come back.”
I didn’t want him back! Why wasn’t she listening?
If he could do this to me now, then what was he going to do later on?
And why didn’t he ask me to have sex with him? Would I have? Probably.
I damned glad we didn’t now. Though, I will never know if it would have made a difference, or if I would still be in this mess now.
I sat out on the porch while our folks nutted out how they would broach everything.
I heard the door close, and I looked up to see Damon standing there.
The same boy I’d loved forever. And I was only just realizing how young we still were.
We’re we stupid to think we could carry this on and wait for marriage and we’d both live happily ever after?
I guess I didn’t know any better. And neither did he.
The thing that got to me was they were both our rules to keep our clothes on. Even when we got way too close, dry humping each other over our clothes, and he’d rub my nipples through my clothes, we could have easily let it go further. But he always wanted to wait for our wedding night.
That’s the part that bugged me the most.
A few days later, I got to speak my mind…
“Hey,” he says, leaning back against the archway.
I don’t bother looking up at him, but I hear him take a deep sigh.
“It’s getting intense in there,” he continues.
“Can you really blame them, Damon?” My voice is hard and full of fire, and it seems to surprise him. Is he serious?