Page 67 of Bishop

“He’s right,” Angel spoke up then, surprising everyone at the table. “Reaper took me in when I had nowhere else to go, even when it jeopardized the Club to do it. What he did saved my life, and I’ll never forget it.”

Reaper looked at his wife so tenderly then, for a moment, I saw how she must view him. How she could be with a man who had such a rough exterior, but when with her, presented such a loving side. Someone who adored her with every ounce of his being. It was everything I wanted for myself, but more than I could ever realistically hope for.

“We did the same for Amelia a few months back when that cop and crazy bitch were both stalking her,” Matty added with equal conviction.

Wow! That was a lot of information I hadn’t expected levied on me all at once. As soon as this was all over, I was going to have to sit Angel and Amelia down to explain those stories in detail over some very stiff drinks.

“So it’s settled,” Reaper announced then. “Since the Devils created this problem for Evie, she stays at the Clubhouse until this business with the Watchmen is properly handled.”

Everyone looked content with this decision, but I had an uneasy feeling about it. However, because I didn’t have an alternative suggestion, I nodded and accepted the generous offer.

* * *

Buse, Nevada


“Why not?” Amelia pouted, as she stomped her foot in the cutest high-heeled sandals I’d never be able to pull off. “Angel’s agreed, and she’s nine weeks pregnant! You’d look amazing in this outfit! My brother won’t be able to take his eyes off of you.”

I gave the outfit she was holding up a questionable once over as I scratched behind Ryder’s ears. “That’s just it. I don’t want your brother to be distracted when he’s fighting. I don’t even like the idea of him fighting at all, let alone losing his concentration because of me.”

Amelia snorted. “Well, if you’re going to be with my brother, you’d better get over that now. Bishop likes to fight. Agree with it or not, it’s a big part of who he is. It’s partly why he joined this MC. Same as Hawk. Our men aren’t always easy to love, Evie, but they’re impossible not to fall in love with. You gotta take the man, flaws and all, if you want to be with a biker.”

Truer words had never been spoken. I rethought the costume she set down on the bed as Ryder demanded I keep scratching his chest. He really was the perfect dog. Sweet, friendly, and always willing to be loved on. When he leaned into my side and flopped down onto my lap for even more attention, I giggled and gave him exactly what he wanted—more belly rubs.

I sighed in defeat when I saw Amelia slipping on a pair of flesh-colored tights before pulling up her Lycra shorts. Of course, she looked amazing in this costume. She was all legs, tanned torso, and long blonde hair. Me, not so much.

“Why would we be wearing these outfits again?” I checked, wondering what I’d look like in the one she’d picked out for me.

“Because we want to support our men and their Club of course,” she answered while batting her false eyelashes prettily back at me.

Angel exited the bathroom then and said, “And because Amelia loves playing dress up for her man.”

Amelia pointed an accusatory finger in Angel’s direction. “Aren’t you the one who wore out your Halloween costume while modeling it for Reaper before you even had a chance to wear it in public, missy?”

Giggling, Angel sat down on the edge of the bed beside me and Ryder. Snuggling the beast that had become like communal Club property, she shrugged. “I’m going to plead the fifth on that unfounded accusation.”

“That’s what I thought,” Amelia returned spicily. “Now, back to the issue at hand. These adorable costumes I so lovingly selected for us.”

I frowned. “Do you think Bishop would even want me to wear this in public? I’d practically be naked.”

“How in the world can a man complain about his woman wearing this?” The blonde bombshell queried, flicking a brand-new pair of thongs in my general direction.

Like it was an exhibit at trial, Amelia held up a skin-tight Lycra top that had the words “Devil’s Riders” emblazoned across the chest. The two words were separated by a plunging neckline, and my ample cleavage, once donned. On the back of each uniform was the name of each of our respective men.

“Plus, they can be worn with heels,” she showed me what hers looked like with the candy apple red stilettos she’d be rocking, “or ballet flats, as I’m sure you and Angel would prefer.”

She had a point. I supposed they were versatile enough. I was slowly coming around to the idea as I saw what the finished product looked like on Amelia. However, everything looked amazing on Amelia. She was more like the Brazilian model who made the rest of us mere mortals look like street rats in comparison.

“When did you even get those made?” Angel asked out of curiosity. “You work like a hundred hours a week at your salon, and you barely have time to come to the Club, let alone design us all a wardrobe.”

“A new screen-printing shop opened up next door to the Baby Doll and they offered to create the Devil’s Riders logo for free if I advertised their work at my shop and the Club,” Amelia explained. “The ring girl costumes I bought off of Amazon on a whim after Hawk was away on a ride and I’d had one too many glasses of wine.”

Angel erupted into laughter. “Let me guess, this new shop owner is a man who wants pictures to hang on his wall to use as free advertisement for his business?”

Amelia lifted a delicate shoulder as she adjusted her crop top into place. “Maybe…”

Like Matty, Amelia turned heads wherever she went. Fingering the cloth on the bed, I considered if I would be bold enough to carry something like this off or if I’d just make a fool of myself. It wasn’t that I didn’t like my body. I just didn’t usually wear something so revealing and I was afraid my lack of confidence would project my insecurities, making me look like a ridiculous poser.