Page 65 of Bishop

I immediately stilled, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

Maze bumped his hips against mine and smiled coldly. “Like I was saying, you need to pass on a message to your faggot boyfriend. Tell him that his Club has some new competition up North. The Devil's Riders aren’t holding the Watchmen back any longer. I’m the new President, and I come,” he rubbed his disgusting crotch against mine in a filthy innuendo, “to play hardball. And, just so they don’t make the mistake of thinking we’re on our own, we got some new friends on our team. They’re the right type of friends,” he emphasized. “You got me, Babe?”

I shook my head. “I’m not saying anything to the Riders. It’s none of my business what the Club does.”

The men laughed as Maze forced me backward until he had my ass pinned against the hood of my car. “I see Bishop has his woman trained up nicely.” His erection nudged between my legs and I nearly gagged at the unsolicited contact. “That’ll make my training of you even sweeter, little Evie.”

I began to struggle in earnest then and Maze easily pinned my arms to my side. The men behind him grew restless, even more excited by my struggles. Like wild animals sensing another from its pack leaning in for the kill, they got closer and their eyes more excited.

Dividing my legs, Maze stepped in between them and rubbed himself in slow circles against my apex. “Now, repeat the message back to me, Babe. Or I’m going to pull you into the back seat of your car, strip off your pants, and fuck you in the ass.”

“I vote we take her back to the Clubhouse and take turns with her, Prez,” a man with bad skin, thinning hair, and muddy brown eyes, crassly suggested.

“If she doesn’t repeat the message correctly, I’ll take that into consideration, Snake,” Maze flatly replied. “Do you like gang bangs, little Evie?” he posed darkly. “Because if you do, keep being stubborn. I’ll give you an endless supply of them in the basement of my Clubhouse.”

I’m ashamed to admit, I began to quiver at his graphic threat. “I’m going to tell—,” I almost said Matty, but switched to his Club name at the last second, “Bishop, that the Devil’s Riders have competition up North.”

“Good girl,” Maze praised, stroking the side of my face with his rough hands. “What else?”

“The Watchmen aren’t going to be held back by anyone,” I listed, my voice trembling as he rimmed the waistband of my yoga pants with his probing fingers. “And that you’ve made a lot of friends that are going to assist you,” I ended lamely, having already forgotten the last part of his statement.

“Correction,” Maze returned, whispering into my ear, “we’ve made the right type of friends. Bishop will know what that means. But, just in case he’s all looks and no brains, tell him we met these friends in Cantiville. And that they aren’t happy with him after what happened before he left.”

I swallowed hard. “Okay. I’ll tell him. I promise.” At that point, I would have promised him free cake and ice cream for life if he’d just let me go.

“Prez, there’s a cop circling this way,” Snake informed him, shifting nervously in place like he wanted to do something violent about that fact.

A rush of relief spread throughout my chest. I’d never been so happy to see a cop in my whole life. I was hoping his presence would be enough to make Maze think twice about carrying out his threat of hauling me into the back seat of my car.

“Fucking pigs, always interrupting us whenever we’re talking,” Maze cursed, his dark eyes searching mine. “Just remember what I told you,” he said, patting my cheek.

“I won’t forget,” I replied earnestly, feeling like the weight of the world was lifted off of me the second he removed his body from mine and I could stand up straight again.

Maze watched me for a second before adjusting his hard-on through his jeans. He stared at me the whole walk over to his bike. “Tell your man one last thing,” he tagged on, as the others revved their motors around us. “Tell that Devil scum that I’m not just coming for his Club. After I ruin him and his pussy-ass Brothers, I’m coming for his girl, too.”

The cop car was rolling faster towards us now, as Maze and his men rode off in the opposite direction. When the officer pulled up next to me, he rolled down his window and said, “You okay, miss?”

Despite being anything close to okay, I pasted a smile onto my face and nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just stopped to ask those guys for directions, is all.”

The cop, whose name tag read “Carmichael” gave me a shrewd stare. It was clear he didn’t believe my story, but there wasn’t anything he could do to force the truth out of me.

In an effort to keep things light and fluffy, I added, “Thanks for stopping though. I appreciate it, but I’m late for work and I have to get going.”

Carmichael gave me a slow nod before saying, “If you need to talk, you can stop by the seventh district any time. My name’s Officer Scott Carmichael. I work day shifts.”

His kindness touched me, but the last thing I wanted to do was involve anyone else in my mess. “Thanks, but I got my directions, so I’m all set.”

Waving goodbye, I got into my car and locked the doors. I drove in circles before finally pulling into a busy McDonald’s parking lot. Picking up my phone, I called Matty with shaky hands.

“Hey Babe,” he greeted, “What’s up?”

I broke down into a round of embarrassing sobs, hating myself for my weakness. Matty tried to calm me down enough to hear what I was saying, but it took a solid minute before I could collect myself enough to finish full sentences.

“Maze and a few of his friends found me in a parking lot today,” I began, still quivering from the adrenaline rush.

“Are you okay?” Matty asked calmly. Too calm, in my opinion.

“Yes, he didn’t hurt me, but he wanted me to relay a message to you,” I explained in a rush, wondering if I should censor any of the conversation or just give it to him straight.