Page 61 of Bishop

“Yes, yes,” Lind hastily agreed.

“Secondly,” I listed, “you’re going to add up all the money you took from Evie over the last year, double it, then send her an anonymous cash donation in the mail.”

Lind paled. “I can’t do that. I don’t have that kind of money!”

I shrugged. “I’m sure you can find some ‘alternative’ way to make the cash. You know, kind of like how you told Evie she could. Implying she should suck your tiny dick to make up the difference. Maybe you can start doing that. Hey, German,” I called over my shoulder, “how many dicks do you think this son-of-a-bitch needs to suck to pay back my girl her rent money?”

German paused to think it over. “Well, he doesn’t have your good looks, Brother, so I think it would take several years and a prison full of cocks to pay back his debt.”

“Better get sucking!” Bomb chortled as he grabbed his own for emphasis.

“I have some stocks I can sell off,” Lind eagerly provided. “I just need a week to unload them, but I should be able to get what I need.”

I patted his head like an obedient dog and got to my feet. “Good, because if you’re short even a penny, me and my Brothers are going to come back here and burn down each and every one of your apartments. And we’ll make sure that you’re locked inside yours when we light the first match. Capiche?”

Lind’s Adam’s apple bobbed nervously in his throat. “I understand.”

“And if you try to call the cops about our little discussion here today,” German tagged on, “we’ll send some friends over to your apartment in the middle of the night to run a train on your ass before they slit your throat and watch you bleed out. You know what a train is, Charles?”

“He definitely does,” Pipe yelled from inside the landlord’s bedroom. “This motherfucker has disgusting viewing habits for a man his age.”

“I won’t say anything. I swear,” Lind promised on the tail end of a sob.

“Excellent, I knew you’d be reasonable,” I returned, certain the man was so scared he’d take this conversation to the grave.

“Until then, we’re going to be such good friends, you and I,” Bomb was telling Charles as the man openly wept at the disturbing idea.

I walked over to where German stood and lowered my voice. “Can you keep an eye on Bomb? Make sure he doesn’t get too carried away with the landlord. I don’t care if the stupid fucker lives or dies, I just don’t want Evie to feel any responsibility for his untimely passing.”

German nodded. “I got it, Brother. Go see your girl. Let off some of that steam you didn’t unload on this piece of shit.”

I clapped the man on the back and stepped out of the front door. Walking around to where Evie’s apartment was, I knocked and she immediately answered. One look at her beautiful face told me everything I needed to know about how upset she was.

Stepping wordlessly over the threshold, I gathered her into my arms. “It’s okay, Babe. You don’t have to be afraid. I’m here now,” I soothed, toeing the door closed behind me and shutting out the chaotic world beyond these four walls.

“Thank you for coming,” she whispered into my chest. I could feel her burrowing against my cut. Taking in my familiar scent and the comfort that came with it.

Her leaning against me in a time of need stirred my cock to life. I knew she could feel it too, because I was holding her so tightly against me. I kept my hips still but gave up the fight when hers began shifting restlessly against mine.

Evie looked up at me with those big, green eyes of hers and I was lost. Our mouths met with the force of two magnets hurtling toward the other. The kiss was soft and exploring at first. But as soon as my tongue slipped between the seam of her lips, it grew heavy and intense. Hot and hungry.

My hands began to explore the plains and valleys of her lush body. Stealing under her robe, I palmed her round ass and squeezed her silky flesh hard.

When she moaned, my cock pulsed, and I growled with longing. One hand slipped into her hair, snagging those full-bodied curls, while the other kneaded her ass. My fingers strayed between her thighs to test if she was ready for me, and I smiled. Fuck yes, she was! She was wetter than a faucet and twice as hot.

Dipping the tips of my fingers into her moist heat, I smeared it over her clit and began churning in tight, little circles. Spreading her legs wide to allow me full access, Evie began to keen low in her throat. The sound damn near catapulted me to come in my pants like a fucking untried teenage boy on prom night.

Evie’s hands went for my belt buckle, working desperately to unfasten it. Frustrated by the awkward mechanics of it, she cried, “Please, Matty! I need you inside of me right now. I can’t wait!”

Scooping her into my arms, I walked toward the bedroom and gently set her down on the bed.

“Get naked,” I growled, as I quickly began to divest myself of my assorted layers.

I needed inside of her, too. Though I’d smacked her creepy landlord around some, I hadn’t buried a bullet in his prick skull like I’d have preferred. That unspent frustration was now channeling into my libido. If I couldn’t use my fists, I was going to bang it out with my cock.

God damn! It felt like my skin was on fire and the only thing that could soothe the burn lay between my beautiful girl’s legs.

Shrugging out of her robe, Evie revealed she was only wearing a thong underneath. Fuck me! I wanted to rip off that delicate scrap of blue lace, deeply breathe in the smell of her sweet-smelling pussy, and then blow my load all over them.