Cici turned on her heel and looked at my friend with disgust. “Why wouldn’t she be? Just because I’m not someone’s Old Lady, Amelia, doesn’t make me dangerous.”
Not one to back down from a fight, Amelia looked directly into the woman’s glacial eyes. “Probably because I know anyone who would fuck their own sister to get a man’s attention isn’t to be trusted.”
Cici’s fists clenched with anger, but she didn’t go on the attack. Honestly, it scared me more that she didn’t. Instead, she smiled with glee and retorted, “I didn’t hear your brother complaining about it when his cock was inside of me.”
Amelia snorted. “You think a man sticking his cock inside of you makes you special, Cici? If you believe that, you’re even dumber than you and your sister look.”
Cici took a menacing step toward Amelia. “You think you’re so fucking special, don’t you, bitch? Just because you’re an Old Lady doesn’t mean shit. Give me a little time alone with your man, and I’ll prove it to you.”
Okay. This conversation had run off the tracks. “Come on, Amelia,” I told my friend, who I could tell was seeing red right about now. “Let’s go drink this upstairs.”
Amelia didn’t budge. “You ever go near my man, bitch,” she returned, every word spoken clearly and distinctly, “I’ll make sure you regret it every day for the rest of your miserable life. Understood?”
Knowing she’d hit a nerve, Cici smiled. “I don’t want your man, Amelia. I want your brother. And it’s just a matter of time before he realizes we’re meant to be together.”
“Aren’t you riding German these days?” Amelia reminded her. “I guess anyone with a bike and a dick makes the cut as far as you’re concerned.”
“Jealousy doesn’t suit you, Amelia.” Cici said with a tsk.
Amelia crossed her arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just that the girls talk when the Brothers aren’t around. And they say you and German had a thing once upon a time,” she gleefully revealed. “Guess that “relationship” soured and you settled for someone else.”
“German and I were only ever friends,” Amelia corrected. “You see, some of us can be friends with a man and not blow them for attention. I get that the concept is foreign to someone like you, but it is possible.”
I walked over to Amelia and handed her the bottle of wine. “I’m ready to go upstairs now. I’ve had enough fighting for one night.”
Reluctantly, Amelia nodded. “Me too, let’s go watch some trash TV and order a pizza to go with this!”
“Better watch out, honey,” Cici said to me as we moved toward the door. “Everyone has their breaking point. And when it comes to men, I always know what it is.”
Amelia took me by the hand and pulled me toward the door. “Keep lying to yourself, skank!” she said, flipping Cici the bird over her shoulder as we exited the room.
* * *
After my run-in with Cici, I was more concerned than ever about my relationship with Matty. However, Amelia assured me, as we’d finished the bottle of Merlot together and eaten every slice of our pizza, that the Club girl was only jealous of what me and Matty had. That she wanted something from the handsome biker that she’d never get. A commitment. And it was eating her alive!
Amelia’s words did pacify me some, but not completely. The truth remained the same. Bishop was gorgeous. A bad boy. And someone who wasn’t interested in the conventional rules of dating and society. That being said, would he ever truly settle down? Or, as I feared, would I forever be looking over my shoulder for another Cici horning in on my territory trying to win over his affection?
There was a knock at my door as I was pulling out a hot tray of cookies from the oven. I was experimenting with a new peanut butter recipe and they smelled amazing! Setting the steaming tray down on a cooling rack, I skinned off my oven mitts and walked briskly toward the door.
Peering through the tiny peephole, I saw my brooding landlord standing on my front stoop. Glancing at my watch, I realized it was past ten. What in the world could have the man visiting me this late at night? Nothing good, I nervously realized.
Slowly unlatching the top lock, I slid open the deadbolt and then the door itself. “Is everything okay?” I asked, glancing down at my watch once more.
Charles’s mouth thinned with irritation. “I need to talk to you, Ms. Wild,” he spoke, pushing imperiously past me straight into my apartment.
As he passed by, I could smell the alcohol wafting off of him. That wasn’t a good sign. I’d learned in my short years that alcohol rarely improved a situation.
“What are you doing here, Charles?” I said, trying to use my most assertive voice.
My uninvited landlord walked into my kitchen and began to closely inspect it. It was clean, as I was a neat freak, but its age, mingled with the lack of general upkeep over the years, hadn’t been kind to the dilapidated space.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been having a lot of visitors by the apartment lately,” Charles haughtily announced.
I’d only had four visitors total since I’d moved into the apartment. Bobby, Angel, Amelia, and Matty, to be precise.