“It went clean through, the lucky bastard,” Pipe announced as he added pressure to the wound. “He’ll only need a few stitches and a strong dose of antibiotics once we get back to the Clubhouse.”
“Let me up, I can stand,” German groused, as we assisted the hard-as-nails Marine to his feet.
I looked dubiously at my Brother. “We need to get you some medical treatment, man. That shot might have gone clean through your shoulder, but blood loss and infection are just as big a killer as any bullet ever was.”
“He’s right,” Reaper added, standing and stashing Bomb’s gun in the waistband of his jeans. “Infections are a real bitch to treat.”
“The Medic can look me over later,” German argued. “Right now, I want to do what we came here to do.”
We all looked over at Bomb who was still thrashing around on the ground, despite Ox and Hawk holding him down with their gargantuan-sized bodies.
Walking over to Bomb, German hovered over his Brother and said, “Tell the Devil he can go fuck himself. I don’t care what he thinks about me or my Brothers,” before delivering a blow so hard to the man’s face that it momentarily stunned him, causing his cold, blue eyes to roll backward into his skull.
Both Hawk and Ox yanked Bomb to his feet and dragged him over to one of the meat hooks hanging from the ceiling. Zip-tying his hands behind his back, they snagged him onto the hook and hoisted him a few inches into the air so his feet dangled just out of reach of terra firma.
Reaper lined up his body like a heavy bag. “You ready to take your punishment like a man, Bomb?”
Blood trickled down the disgraced biker’s shattered cheekbone, into his mouth, staining the spaces between his teeth red. “Do your worst, cocksuckers!”
Nodding, the four of us descended like a biblical plague on his ass. And, one by one, we did.
Chapter 17
Buse, Nevada
We arrived back at the Clubhouse just as the sun was peeking over the horizon. When I went inside my room, Evie was snuggled in my bed, wearing only my t-shirt and a pair of my boxer shorts.
I smiled, seeing her look so peaceful and serene. After all of the horrors I’d participated in tonight, her innocence was like a breath of fresh air that I wanted to breathe deeply into my lungs. I didn’t just want this woman in my life. I needed her here.
Walking over to the bed, I sat on the edge of the mattress. Evie stirred and awoke. Her lovely green eyes blinked away the sleep cobwebs as she slowly sat up.
“What time is it?” she asked, clutching the covers to her chest.
“Early,” I replied, running my hand across her cheek.
Evie pulled my hand close and inspected it. My knuckles were already turning black and blue from the countless times I’d used and abused them tonight.
Kissing each one, Evie queried, “Is this from the exhibition match?”
I shook my head and pulled her closer to me, breathing in her unique, sweet scent of cinnamon and sugar.
Accepting my silent admission, Evie wrapped her arms around me and squeezed tight like she always did. “I’m sorry I was the one who had to tell you about Bomb,” she spoke, sounding close to tears. “I hope everyone doesn’t hate me now.”
Pulling away, I gazed directly into deep, mossy green pools. “Let’s get something straight, Babe. What Bomb did had nothing to do with you. Nobody in this Club is upset with you, and you don’t have anything to apologize for. Shit, it’s us you should be upset with. We put you in harm’s way. This sin is on our hands.”
A tear slipped down Evie’s cheek. In a small voice, she asked, “Is it over then?”
I didn’t know how to explain it to her. My innocent little doe who’d been through so much already in her short years and had somehow remained untouched by the filth of this world. In truth, if she chose to live this life with me, the violence and danger were never really going to be over. Despite that, I’d do everything in my power never to let it touch her.
Tucking a stray curl behind her ear that had escaped her ponytail, I said, “Babe, I’m not going to lie to you. If you want to be my Old Lady, this isn’t an easy life. But, if you trust me and we always tell each other the truth, we can make it the best goddamned one there is.”
Standing, I went over to my desk and fiddled through the top drawer. Pulling out the flash drive Pipe had given me, I walked back over to the bed and handed it to her.
“What is this?” she asked, a confused look crossing her stunning, heart-shaped face.
“It’s all the information my Brother, Pipe, assembled about you for me,” I told her honestly.