Page 73 of Bishop

“Come on, little Evie,” Maze told me. “I want to show you around my Clubhouse. We’ll start with my bedroom. It’ll be your new favorite place, I promise.”

It was now or never. I had to act fast or be subjected to God knows what depravities at the Watchmen’s compound. As we neared Maze’s bike, I realized what I had to do. When we were only about a foot away, I raised mine and slammed it as hard as I could to destabilize the hulking metal beast.

The bike was heavy, but because it was propped in the opposite direction, my kick threatened to topple it. As I’d predicted, Maze instinctively dropped my arm to stop his beloved ride from slamming headlong into the pavement.

As soon as he let go of my arm, I bolted in the opposite direction. I heard swearing behind me as Maze tried to right his bike and scramble after me simultaneously.

In a footrace with these powerful men, I’d be a loser every day of the week. Lucky for me, a group of uniformed police officers picked that exact moment to sweep around the building to check out any issues that could potentially be related to the fire alarm.

When they saw me racing toward them like a bat of Hell, it caught their attention. As I got closer, I heard one of them say, “Who is that?”

Running straight for them, I waved my arms in the international sign for help. The cops moved faster then, calling out to me, “Is everything okay?”

Glancing back, I saw that the arrival of the police officers had stopped the bikers from chasing me. Hastily getting back to their rides, they started their collective engines, blocking out any of the voices of concern surrounding me. Maze was the last to mount his bike. As he revved it to life, he watched me, a look of pure malice painted across his ruddy face as he sped away.

Someone grabbed my arm then and I jumped. When I glanced back to see who it was, I realized it was the officer who had helped me in the parking lot a few days ago.

“I said are you okay, Ms. Wild?” he repeated, holding me as I began to violently shake.

Looking around, I saw that five sets of eyes were focusing on me, hard. Gathering myself together, I took a deep breath and said, “I’m fine. Everything’s fine. I’m just looking for my friends.”

I could tell that exactly no one believed my words. Least of which, the officer holding my arm.

“Do you remember me?” he prompted. “We met the other day.” He pointed to the embroidery on his name tag where the name Carmicheal was stitched.

“Yes, I remember you,” I forced myself to reply, adding a bit more animation to my voice so I didn’t sound as scared as I felt. “You work over at the seventh district.”

Carmicheal frowned. “Ms. Wood, you know you can tell us whatever you need to. We’re not your enemy. Despite what your boyfriend’s Club might have told you, we only want to help.”

I heard someone shout my name then, and I looked over Carmichael’s shoulder. It was Matty, followed closely by German and Ox.

“I’m over here,” I shouted, desperate to throw myself into my man’s arms for safety and comfort.

Matty sprinted in my direction, and I felt something being slipped discreetly into my hand. “Here. Take this. It’s my card. You might not want to talk today, but just in case you change your mind.”

I tucked the card into the waistband of my shorts as Matty approached, scooping me into his arms. “Where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

My smile was false but wide when I told him, “The alarm went off when I was in the bathroom and the nearest exit took me around the back of the building.”

Matty studied my face and knew I was lying. “Come on, we’re leaving,” he said, shooting the officers an icy stare.

Tossing his arm around my shoulders, I knew he could feel my shaking. A tear slipped down my cheek and I quickly swiped it away with the back of my hand.

Waiting until we were far enough from the watchful group of cops to speak freely, Matty said, “Now tell me what really happened?”

I stopped and looked him directly in the eye. “You’re going to want Reaper to hear this.”

My heart thudded anxiously in my chest as I thought about their Club Brother’s betrayal, and how I was going to have to be the unfortunate one to reveal it to them.

Chapter 15

Buse, Nevada


The ride over to the warehouse was a quiet one. I still couldn’t believe it. Bomb had betrayed us. It was all so clear now. He was our mole. And his trying to sell Evie to the Watchmen wasn’t the only way he’d betrayed this Club.

Bomb had sold his Brothers out to Angel’s people, the Knights, the Watchmen, doubtlessly volunteered my name to the Feds, and God knows who else. He’d more than just betrayed us. He’d done the equivalent of setting fire to our Club, locking the doors with us inside, then walking away to watch it all burn to the ground.