Page 181 of Goodbye Note

love we claim we lost

gave up

gave in

did what we were told

and if i’m honest, i regret it to this day

father, son and holy ghost

which one of us do you love the most?

every forever, remember—i had it first

let me sing it again so you don’t forget

it was mine first

love we claim we lost

gave up

gave in

did what we were told.

and if i’m honest, i regret it to this day

i’ll sing the chorus

cranK up the Beat

sO you can dance at my expense

welcome To The end befOre you’re dead

let me sing it again so you don’t forget

it was Mine first

I sat with my mouth open as the last song ended.

He didn’t…

The guys exchanged looks.

Never in my life had I expected him to put that day, one of the lowest points in my life, into song. It was like the anthem to my divorce he couldn’t possibly know about.

“Does he know?” Vallen asked.

“No. I’ve only told the three of you and John.” My mind scrambled, trying to figure out how he could have guessed.

“Would she tell him?” Fox asked.

“Not a shot. She hates him.”

“My point. Could they be in this together? Would she have told him as like vengeance?” Fox pressed.