But it wasn’t

And now I feel stupid

You are not stupid

A) You are the smartest person I know and totally amazing

?? If he doesn’t want more from you then he’s an idiot

Shit. I meant ??

Shit. Stupid autocorrect

I meant:




Yeah, I figured

What would you tell someone else who was in your shoes?

I would tell them that it’s okay to want more from a relationship

And that they shouldn’t feel stupid for not getting what they need out of a relationship


You would never judge someone else for knowing themselves well enough to know all they wanted from someone is a one and done. So you shouldn’t judge yourself for wanting more.

Well, okay, but all of that is contingent on the one and done being an emotionally healthy choice. What if me wanting more isn’t the healthy choice?

Why would wanting a relationship with someone not be healthy? Omg. Is he abusing you?


Okay, is he married?


I mean… I’m like 99% sure he isn’t

Okay, then unless he’s a serial killer, it’s fine.

Why would he be a serial killer?

That’s always your go-to worst case scenario for me when you’re worried about me. Turn about’s fair play, chica.

You can’t say chica. That’s appropriation.

Mom’s half Latina and our father owned an Interior Mexican restaurant. How is me saying chica appropriation?

Because we weren’t raised in the culture.

That’s how.