“Just saying.” He takes a bite of pizza and stares out at the view. “It’s peaceful out here.”

“Yeah, I’m sure it is.” One of the reasons Ian moved out here is because he had a short but tumultuous relationship with a starlet. Between her fame and his money, the media hounded him after their breakup. So, yeah, of course he prefers it out here now. But I’m pretty sure I’d be crawling out of my skin after twenty-four hours. “Besides, I have a perfectly nice condo in the city and it’s within walking distance of my office.”


“So, I’m not moving out here and adding two hours to my commute.”

“You could work from home.”

“I’m not going to work from home. I have other clients.”

Ian arches his eyebrow skeptically. Nether or us address the issue of whether or not I’m lonely. Ian probably because he’s not going to believe anything I say. Me … well, for the same reason. And who knows, maybe he’s right?

“By the way,” he says, “I’ve a couple more names for you.”

“Send them on.”

Ian is always referring clients to me, people he comes across whose ideas need legal protection but who can’t afford to hire a lawyer on their own. Sometimes I do the work pro bono. Sometimes Ian covers the cost as a way of investing.

After that, he launches into a description of work these potential clients are doing. It’s not until later that evening, as I’m leaving his place, that a thought occurs to me.

Maybe he didn’t mention me moving into the guest house because he really thinks I’m lonely. Maybe he’s the one who’s lonely.

The idea is absurd. Ian is the most self-reliant, self-contained person I know. Still, no man is an island, right?

About five minutes from his house, I pull over and do a quick search on my phone as an idea starts to take shape. After a bit of research, I send Ian a text.

How often do you eat pizza?

Most days.


You don’t go out much

And not many places deliver to you

There’s also a Mexican-ish place.

What the hell is Mexican-ish?

Like tex-mex?

No. More like Asian fusion.

I don’t even know what to say to that

You need a personal chef


Someone to cook for you

I don’t need a personal chef

I’m fine

I’ll figure something out