“Here’s what’s going to happen: you and Ian are going to go do something fun. I am going to talk to the staff to figure something out. And you are not going to give it another thought. Seriously. We’re in paradise. I’m sure it can’t be that hard for them to find a hammock they can string up between two trees.”

“Are you sure?” Savannah asks.


Of course, the moment she walks away, I glance down to see approximately forty-three mosquitoes lining up to suck me dry. Okay, maybe not a hammock outside. But there has to be somewhere I can bunk down.

I slap a couple of the mosquitos and head up to the palapa to find the couple who run the resort. However, before I can reach them, Trent breaks off from the pack and comes jogging over.

When did my life become such a clucking disaster?



Ian and I are about a dozen feet behind Savannah and Trinity when Savannah lays out the problem with the cabanas for her sister. Good thing I was close enough to listen in, since Ian merely described it as “some problem with one of the guests.”

Of course, he wouldn’t know that Trent isn’t just some pushy friend of Savannah’s who wormed his way onto the guest list. When Savannah peels off to go back to the other guests, I send Ian after her. I’m happy to stay with Trinity until the situation is resolved.

And, obviously, I’m not about to let her bunk down in a hammock. If someone needs to sleep on the floor, I’ll do it. Or even better, fucking Trent can sleep on the floor somewhere. Preferably on the floor of some hotel back in Belize City. I’m pretty sure I can make that happen.

However, before I can catch up with Trinity, Trent reaches her.

I’m sure it’s him because I recognize everyone else, either because they’re friends of Ian’s or I met them at the engagement party. The only stranger must be Trinity’s ex.

My suspicions are confirmed by the way her shoulders tense up as he approaches.

Part of me wants to swoop in and handle this for her. She shouldn’t be dealing with this shit on her vacation any more than Savannah should.

But before I can catch up to her, Trent jogs up to her, giving off strong frat-boy-vibes.

I slow my pace to give her a chance to handle it herself if that’s what she wants to do.

Before he can even greet her, she snaps, “What are you doing here, Trent?”

He falters only a second before flashing her a winning smile. “Hey, babe, aren’t you glad to see me?”

She glances back in my direction and I bend down like I’m taking off my shoes. She clearly doesn’t want me to overhear the conversation, but I’m reluctant to leave her alone with this guy. I’ll just … hover. If she needs back up, I’ll be right here. If she doesn’t, no-harm-no-foul.

“No, I’m not glad to see you. Why would I be?”

His crestfallen look is almost believable. “I know me being here makes the room situation awkward. I don’t think your mom knew how dinky this place is when she invited me. But don’t worry. You can room with me.”

Of course that’s his plan. Asshole.

Obviously, Trinity sees right through that. “I’m not going to room with you. We aren’t together anymore.”

“I know, but …” He glances in my direction, and I can tell he’s trying to figure out if I pose a threat to him. He must decide we’re not together, but he goes straight for the jugular—literally and metaphorically. He cups the back her neck, running his thumb along her throat. “I’ve missed you, babe. I don’t even know why we broke up anymore.”

Before I can catapult myself at him to make him stop touching her, she shakes off his touch and steps back. “We broke up because I gained twenty pounds, and you criticized my ‘fat ass’; that’s why.”

Okay, that’s it.

The dude criticized her body? Her perfect, gorgeous, curvy body?

I’m done.

I was content to let her handle this until this fucking minute.