“Well, you’re going to have to. Because it’s really important to me that Savannah’s wedding be perfect. She deserves this.”

“I agree. They both do.”

“The wedding is basically a long weekend. And it’s at a resort, right? So I’m sure we can avoid each other. I can be polite for that long. And then we’ll never have to see each other again.”

Before he can respond, I turn and stomp away, my Dr. Martens clopping with each step.

Surely this should feel better than it does.

Shouldn’t there be a These-boot-are-made-for-walking sort of glee that goes along with walking away from an ex in a crowded room when you know you look good doing it?

There should be, but there isn’t.

Instead, I am a hundred percent glee-less.

All I want is to go home, strip off my Spanx and climb back into bed.

I speed run through my goodbyes and my excuses for leaving early. Savannah is almost too busy enjoying her party to notice I’m leaving, let alone that I’m upset. As for Ian, he’s lost in gazing lovingly at Savannah like she’s the Disney princess to his woodland animal.

It’s not until much later, when I’m at home, rewatching my favorite episode of Doctor Who (the one with Vincent Van Gogh, because it’s as good an excuse as any to cry while eating ice cream in bed) that I realize I never thanked Ian for the dress and shoes and the perfect purse.

Since I don’t yet know Ian well enough to text him, I shoot a quick text to Savannah.

The party today was amazing!

Thanks! I’m so glad you made it!

I didn’t get a chance to thank Ian for sending me the dress, shoes, and purse.


The dress I was wearing …

Did he not tell you about it?

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Three days ago, I got a package that said it was from his office

It had three dress options, shoes and a purse for me to choose from to wear at the party

Um … not from Ian.

But the note said it was from him

I just asked him and he has no idea what you’re talking about.

Though you looked amazing!


I think …

But if Ian didn’t send it, then who did?

Yeah. Like I don’t have the answer to that question.
