
For real.

Answer me, damn it.

Okay, I’m seriously worried. The last I heard from you, you were sick. It’s been six days. Are you dead? Are you in a pit somewhere putting lotion on your skin?

Would that even work? I feel like skin hydration at time-of-death can’t be that important. I have a really lovely Coach tote and I can’t believe they rubbed lotion on that cow for weeks before killing it.


What is wrong with you?

Also, I’m fine.

But seriously


I was worried.

You know I spiral when I’m worried. I get weird.

Besides, you cook cows all the time. How is it okay to cook them but not discuss what happens to their skin after they die?

I don’t know how to answer that.

But seriously

You’re okay?

You went radio silent for six days!

I was about to contact the FBI

I don’t think the FBI does that sort of thing

Okay, then Homeland Security

Or the police


You were sick?

Yeah. Just a nasty cold

I’m fine now

Still confused

How did a cold keep you from texting back? Was it like a mutant virus that put you in a coma?

No. Just a normal cold

Then why u no text?

I was sick and Ian brought me down to his house so that he could take care of me. He forgot to bring my phone.