I’m just surprised.


Clearly, you have forgotten that time in college when we were rooming together and I had the flu.

I haven’t forgotten. You threw up all over the bathroom.

Yeah. And I passed out on the floor on my way back to the bed. You stepped over me on your way out the door to class.

It was the week of finals. I couldn’t miss class because you were sick.

This woman has seriously gotten under your skin?

Fuck off

Should I start working on your prenup now?



Dude, I’m just saying…

I’ve never seen you like this before.

Not over a woman.

Not over anything that wasn’t Cookie Jar.

What? Now you’re ignoring me?

Super fucking mature, buddy.

She doesn’t feel that way about me.

You are clearly head over heels for this chick.

Which means jack shit since she doesn’t feel the same way

Has she said that out loud? Have you asked her?


I’m her boss. I can’t make a move on her.

Technically, I’m her boss.

As long as I don’t make a move on her, we’re okay.


No response?

It was joke.

Not a funny one.

You’re the one who keeps telling me how much she needs the money.