I’m not feeling well.

I won’t make it down to make you lunch but I can talk you through some meals I have in the freezer for you.

Sorry I didn’t make it down to make you breakfast.

Don’t worry about breakfast.

What are your symptoms?

Nothing too scary.

I should be back up and running by tomorrow

Or maybe the day after







Wait stupid

Autocorrect g

I’m dine

I’m coming up.

I have a key and will let myself in.

I’m fine.

You don’t need to come up.

This is nonnegotiable.

I only mentioned it so you wouldn’t worry when I let myself in.

Chapter Nine


* * *

I don’t know how much time passes between when I texted Ian and I hear him moving around the kitchen.

Mr. Sniggles is curled up beside me. Thank God.

He must be snuggling for warmth, because it’s freezing in here.

Did another cold front come through?