And you just … what?
Sometimes we watch TV while we eat. Sometimes we talk.
What do you talk about?
Recipes I’ve been trying. Or working on. Places I’ve traveled.
Sometimes he tells me about the research he’s doing.
About the projects he’s studying.
Trin, you would not believe how smart this guy is.
It’s crazy how much he knows about so many different topics.
It’s just …
And you just talk?
He never tries to … you know…
It doesn’t make sense. Men only talk to women they’re into.
And they really only listen to women they’re into.
I think maybe he’s just lonely.
You know what I think?
I never know what you think.
And I’m not even sure I want to.
I think that if he’s not into you, then he’s not as smart as you think he is.
Texts between Savannah and Trinity
twelfth week
How is it going?
Any movement on the seduction front?
Any more fancy gadgets show up?
Are you even there?
Have you blocked me?