Wait. What does that mean?
Has he bought you anything else or not?
He bought a big TV and had it installed in the kitchen.
Connect the dots for me.
Did he buy it so you could watch TV while you cook?
Because that’s not really your thing. You listen to music while you cook.
The TV showed up the day after we ate dinner together.
That first night, I watched an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine on my phone while I ate.
Best show ever.
And then the next day, there’s this TV in the kitchen. And soon as I plate the food, he turns it on and cues up Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Which I don’t think he’d ever even watched before, because he kept asking questions about the characters.
So you think he bought the TV so you’d have things to watch while you eat?
I think he’s into you.
I just don’t know.
You know how you can find out?
Tonight, just go in there and strip naked.
I’m not having this conversation with you.
When did you get so boring?
When did you get so pervy?
This from the woman who introduced me to Dramione fanfic.
Hey, what happens on my kindle, stays on my kindle.
Does that mean there’s some super sexy hot-boss romances on your kindle?
Just stop it.
Because Ian is a genuinely nice guy and he doesn’t deserve to have you objectifying him like this.