Page 8 of Just Like Heaven

The morning sun slowly creeps through the bedroom window. The sleepy haze in my eyes fades, revealing Russell’s sweet, sleeping face. He looks so peaceful. I can’t believe he’s mine. It’s been a week since he confessed his feelings for me. A week a pure bliss. We spend every spare minute we can together. Mornings before he goes to bed. I pounce on him before he goes to work. He leaves every night with a big smile on his face. He leaves me happy and well satisfied. We can’t get enough of each other. I crave his touch, his smell, his voice. I am utterly crazy about this man.

I kiss his forehead, then quietly sneak out of bed to go make breakfast. Russ has worked double shifts the last couple of days. He needs some extra sleep this morning. Closing the door behind me, I turn around and gasp when I spot Sam staring at me in the hallway. Busted. I press my finger to my lips to quiet him and point to the living room. Time to have this awkward talk. Sam follows me out to the living where we take a seat on the couch.

“So how long has this been going on?” he asks. He seems calm for someone who just busted his sister coming out of his best friend’s bedroom.

“About a week. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” I chew on my bottom lip, feeling guilty for sneaking around with Russ behind Sam’s back.

“Emily, I’m not upset about this,” he assures me. Seems happy about this.

“You’re not?”

“No, I’m not. You are a grown woman, Emily, you can date and sleep with whomever you want. My only concern is that you are happy and if Russ makes you happy.” Relief washes over me and my body relaxes at his words.

“He does make me happy, Sam. So happy. I’ve never felt this kind of connection with anyone before. Russell gets me like no one other than you. I’m crazy about him.” I think I might be falling in love with him. Which is crazy because I’ve only known him for a few weeks. It feels right and if it feels right you should go after it.

“I’m happy for you, Emily. I guess having Russell McCoy as a brother-in-law wouldn’t be so bad,” he teases.

“Pump the brakes, big brother, let’s see how this all goes before we start planning my wedding. Besides, I think you and Maxine will be heading down the aisle before me and Russ.” I turn the focus back on Sam. I’m not ready to get married just yet, but when I am, I really hope it’s with Russell.

“We could always have a double wedding.” He shrugs. Is he serious? Fictional or not, I’m not sharing my wedding day with my brother.

“No way am I sharing my special day with you.” I playfully smack his arm. “I love you but not enough to share the spotlight.” We both laugh. I want my wedding to be all about me and my future husband.

“Since your boyfriend is still asleep, we should treat him to a little breakfast,” she says, walking over to the stereo. He pops in a tape and turns up the volume until Black Sabbath comes roaring through the speakers. I shake my head with a laugh and follow Sam into the kitchen.

We are finishing up the last of the pancakes when Russell walks into the kitchen shirtless and wearing dark gray sweatpants. His hair is messy and his neck is covered in love bits. He looks damn cute.

I set my spatula on the count and walk over to him slipping my arms around his waist and say, “good morning, baby.” He dips his head down and kisses me.

“Good morning, buttercup.”

We plate up our food and sit at the dining room table. Talking and laughing with Sam. Just as we are finishing up breakfast, the phone rings in the kitchen. Sam is up and out of his seat first and grabs the phone. “Emily, it’s for you,” he calls out. I wonder who could be calling me this early in the morning.

I get up from the table and go to the kitchen. Sam has a huge smile on his face, which makes me more curious as to who could be on the phone. I take the receiver from his hand.


“Hi Miss Fitzpatrick, this is Glenda from the Boston Globe.” I fight back an excited squeal as she introduces herself. “I’m calling to offer you the investigative reporter position. The piece you submitted was a brilliant piece of writing as well as the photographs you submitted. You are a very talented journalist and we’d be lucky to have you on staff.” I got the job. It’s taking everything in me not to scream. “We would need to start within the month.”

“I can do that. Thank you so much.” We say our goodbyes and hang up. With the click of the receiver, I let out an excited squeal. Which sends Sam and Russell running into the kitchen.

“Emily, what is it? Are you okay?” they say in unison.

“Everything is great. I got the job at the Globe.” I hop up and down with joy. Sam gives me a hug and tells me how proud he is of me. He congratulates me one more time, then has to leave for work.

“Congratulations, Emily.” Russell smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. I thought he would be happy for me. He’s been my biggest cheerleader during this entire process. Before I can ask what’s wrong, the phone rings again. He answers the phone and talks with the person on the other line.

“Yeah, I’ll be there,” he says, then hangs up the phone. “That was the chief. They need me to come in.”

“Okay. Maybe we can celebrate later?”

“Sure, we can do that,” his icy tone sends a shiver through me. “I gotta go. I’ll see you later.” He leaves without kissing me goodbye. It’s then that it dawns on me. Taking this job means I will be leaving. We haven’t talked about what would happen if I got the job in Boston. We were too distracted in each other to give it a second thought. He has to know that just because I will be leaving, it doesn’t mean

I’m giving up on us. I hope he hasn’t given up on us.

