Page 2 of Just Like Heaven

“Hey Patrick,” I call out. Patrick turns around and greets me with a good morning.

“Morning. You should go through the back door. Dumb ass one and dumb ass two rigged a confetti cannon for the rookie.”

He lets out a frustrated sigh and eye roll. “Ah hell. We’re going to be picking confetti out of the equipment from now until the end of eternity.”

“Tell me about. What happened to the days where the hazing didn’t fuck up our shit?” We both laugh. “How are Jenny and the baby?” Patrick’s wife gave birth to their first daughter a couple of months ago.

“They are both doing fantastic.” His face beams with pride. “I still can’t believe I’m a father. It’s both exciting and terrifying. I love that little girl so damn, but I’m scared as hell. How am I going to keep this kid alive?”

“I think that is how all parents feel. You and Jenny are going to be a great team. Jessica is so lucky to have you and Jenny as her parents,” I assure him. Patrick is going to be a great dad. He has always been a great mentor to me and the other guys at the station.

Hearing about Patrick and his family makes me wish I had a partner to come home to. Instead, I come home to my roommate Sam. He’s a great guy, but he refuses to cuddle with me. I love a cuddle after a long shift. To walk through the door and waiting for me is the woman of my dreams. With warm hugs and welcoming kisses. I’d make us breakfast, then a shower where I dirtier her up again. We’d take the kids to school. While I slept, she would do whatever her heart desires. Dinner with the family. Followed by making my wife come before my shift. It’s the fucking dream. I would give my left nut to make it happen.

“Thanks man. You should come by and meet Jessica,” he offers.

“I’d like that. Before I head out, don’t eat the chili in the fridge. Chief made his five alarm chili last night.” He puts so many chilies in it I’m surprised it doesn’t burn a hole through the tupperware.

“Thanks for the warning. It took a week for my ass to recover from the last time he made it.” We say our goodbyes and make the trek across town to the house I share with my buddy Sam.

My stomach loads out a loud growl as I pull into the driveway. Pancakes are in order before bed. I get out of the car and trudge down the path to the front door. I’m met with silence when I step inside. Moving further inside, a loud moan cuts through the quiet. Sounds like Sam brought Maxine, his new girlfriend, over. An “oh god, just like that, Sam,” cuts through my lonely heart like a sharp knife. I’m thrilled that Sam found Maxine. They are so perfect for each other. Seeing them together makes the loneliness more painful. I’ve lived in this town all my life. No one has piqued my interested for longer than a night of fun. I’m losing hope that I will ever find the love of my life.

Just as I drop my duffle bag in the laundry room, the phone rings in the kitchen. I pick up the receiver on the third ring. Before I get the full hello out, the person on the other end launches into a conversation. Her voice is sweet and angelic.

“Oh, thank god, Sam, you’re awake. Mom was driving me insane.” This must be the famous Emily.

“Emily, this is…” I say, but she cuts me off.

“So, I got on a plane and now I’m here and I need a…” I can hear the realization in her voice as it hits her. “Wait a minute. You’re not my brother. Did I call the wrong number?”

“You have the correct number, Emily. This is Russell, your brother’s roommate,” I explain.

“Oh, hi Russell. Is my brother there by chance?”

Another moan comes from the direction of Sam’s room. “Sam is asleep,” I lie. Pretty sure his sister doesn’t want to know what her brother is doing.

“Oh shoot. I guess I could take a cab.” I absolutely refuse to let Emily take a cab. Sam would kill me if I let his sister take a cab from the airport. Especially when I’m more than capable of picking her up. There’s another part of me that wants to do anything to protect this woman. Anymore, you never know who is going to be picking you up in those cabs.

“I can come and get you.”

“You don’t have to. I’m sure you are tired from your shift. Sam told me you work the night shift.” She rambles on about not wanting to be an inconvenience and she can just take a cab or find a bus.

“Emily, I am coming to get you. Stay inside the airport until I get there.” It comes out more gruff than I wanted.

“Okay, thank you. Oh, what do you look like?”

“Well, I’m six foot three, handsomely rugged, with short black hair and brown eyes. And a mustache that rivals Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck.” I stroke my fingers over my stache.

“I’ll be the judge of that.” The cutest giggle I have ever heard flows through the phone.

“I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Please stay inside the airport.”

“So demanding.”

“Baby, you have no idea. I’ll be there soon.” Before we hang up, Emily tells me what she is wearing. A yellow sundress with Chucks. Woman of my dreams. I’m a sucker for a girl in a sundress. And paired with Chucks, no less. I think I’m in love.

I say goodbye, then grab my keys. The normal twenty-minute trip takes me fifteen. I park the car at the curb outside arrivals and jump out. My eyes scan the space for Emily as I walk through the doors. A splash of yellow by baggage claim catches my eye. Sitting on a stack of suitcases is a beautiful woman in a yellow dress and Chucks. Emily.

My feet move on their own accord. Eyes eating up every inch of her. Mile long legs fidget and bounce. My body hums at the thought of those legs wrapped around me while I slide into her wet heat. What the hell has gotten into me? This is Sam’s sister, and he wouldn’t appreciate the dirty thoughts I’m having about her. I shake the thoughts from my head and keep moving.