Sol gets up too and takes my hand, directing me towards the dance floor. “Are you having a good time?” he asks.
“I’m having a ball. The Moving Forward charity sounds good, although I’m not sure I’ve seen a calendar for that.” I try to keep my words light, but I think this could be a great opportunity for Sol.
“I’m intrigued, and I may give him a call.” Sol’s enthusiasm is an improvement and it’s exciting to see him interested in something.
“The fact you’re even considering it is amazing. I’m proud of you.” I kiss his cheek.
“I haven’t done anything yet, but thank you.” He pulls me close to slow dance to the next song.
“You’ve been a great date. I think half the women here are envious of me.” I rest my head on his shoulder.
“So, which one of these guys was your high school crush or boyfriend?” His hand moves from my back, and I’m guessing he’s gesturing around the room.
I look up at him. “None of these guys. I didn’t date much in high school or ever. I didn’t party much either. I was too busy at home studying for whatever big test was coming up.”
“We were nothing alike in high school. I dated plenty and partied hard. I might’ve led you astray.”
“I might have let you,” I say, making him laugh.
Over the past few days, I’ve seen the shift in his behavior, and I’m glad to see more of the old Sol back.
He gently spins me under his arm. “You do look beautiful tonight.”
“You already told me that in the hotel room, but thank you.” I smile.
“I needed to tell you again.” He looks deep into my eyes, and I feel lost in his gaze.
I said I could keep things casual between us, but I don’t think I can. My heart beats faster and warmth fills my chest. I care for this man more than I’ve ever let on.
He glances at my lips, and I moisten them with my tongue. He leans in and gently kisses me. My eyes flutter shut while I forget everything around us. He strokes my lower back with his hand, and I sink into his embrace.
“I’m glad you agreed to come with me,” I say as we sway to the music.
“The night is still young. I intend to have you spinning all around this dancefloor.” He strokes my hair.
“As wonderful as that sounds, I was hoping to get you all to myself in our hotel room.”
“I could ravish you right here. It’s been hard to keep my hands to myself this long.”
I’m relieved we’re both thinking the same thing. He looks so handsome in his suit. Tonight, I won’t be disappointed if he leaves it on while we get intimate. “Shall I say goodbye to the bride and we’ll sneak out?”
He gives me a quick peck on the lips, followed by another. Before he can pull away, I capture his lips once more. His tongue glides against mine, and we deepen the kiss. Pulling away, I take his hand in mine. “Come on. Let’s go.”
The bride and groom are sitting at one of the tables, and we walk over to them. “Congratulations, guys. You finally did it,” I say with a huge smile on my face.
“Thanks,” Maya says, glowing like the blushing bride she is. She stands up and I kiss her cheek.
Cameron shakes Sol’s hand. “It’s great to see Ember settling down.”
“She’s a great woman,” Sol says.
“That she is. Look after her.” They shake hands.
“You kept him a secret, Ember. Next, it’ll be your wedding,” Maya says, nudging my elbow.
“We’re only in the early days of our relationship,” I say, hoping talks of marriage don’t scare Sol off. I hope he doesn’t mind that I didn’t tell her the truth. He’s not my boyfriend and we’re only friends… sort of. This evening is going to be about lust and passion. I want a future with him, but I’m not sure he’s ready. I’m certainly not going to push for more when I can have his attention tonight.
We say our goodbyes and walk quickly to the car. Happiness fills my heart. I’ve enjoyed seeing my friends, and I’ve loved having Sol by my side.