Page 4 of Savage Lover

“Don’t change the subject.”

His smile widens, and I can’t help but return it.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asks, glancing down at my empty hands where they rest on the bar.

I should say no, but obviously, I don’t. “Sure.”

“What’s your poison?”

“The bartender knows.” I don’t know this sassy, confident woman I’ve apparently turned into, but I like her.

Seems Ben likes her, too.

He holds my gaze with a look so long and deep I nearly melt before he turns to signal the bartender to bring me another with just a few gestures of his hand.

My drink arrives, and I fall on it like a life raft.

Play it cool, girl.

But why? This isn’t a date or even a guy I want to impress.

I try to shut my mind up with a graceful chug of the strong, tart cocktail. I have no idea what’s going on, but I'm here for it.

“Now, are you going to tell me what’s gotten that pretty face so long?”I ask.

Seriously, who am I right now?

I get a real smile out of Ben now, big and glorious. It lights up his face, transforming him from broodingly hot to storybook prince handsome. I almost have to look away.

“That’s better,” I coo.

Who knew I could coo?

He shakes his head, looking back down at the glass in his hands.

I wait patiently.

“Sometimes, life just doesn't go the way you expect. And there’s nothing you can do but accept it.”

Cryptic, and not offering any real information, but I nod anyway. “I know how that is.”

His face turns back to me, the expression sly, amused even. “Oh, do you? What would a young woman like you know about life not turning out as planned? You’ve hardly even begun.”

It’s my turn to shrug.I may be young, but I have a fair idea about how hard life is. The last thing I’m going to do right now is start my own sob story, though.

“You’d be surprised,” I say anyway, just to stay in character.

“Well, I suppose that could be true.” His eyes flick to mine and then down at my cleavage where they rest for a full beat. I try to hold still under his gaze, and it takes my full concentration. “It wouldn’t be the first surprise I’ve gotten tonight.”

His eyes raise to meet mine and his look officially has a name. It’s desire.

This guy wants me.

Ainsley’s dad thinks I’m picking him up at the bar.


“Pretty girl like you got a name?”