Page 120 of Savage Lover

I plan to make studying him and how we work together a lifelong academic pursuit.

He finally gives me the touch I’ve been burning for, landing his tongue down once more on my clit, sliding up and around, tasting me.

My body is warm and pliable from the long, hot shower, and my knees fall even further to the sides as I moan in pleasure.

I’m so worked up from having his hands on my body for so long already that I know I won’t last long like this. I try to steady my breathing to prolong the pleasure, but Ben increases his ministrations at the same time. His fingers slide into me, deep and slow. It’s all I can do to keep my eyes open, but I fight for it. Watching this beautiful, strong, sensitive man feast on me is not something I want to miss.

He says I’ll get used to the sight, and I’m sure that’s true. But I’m not used to it yet.

His eyes are closed, brow slightly creased as he swirls his tongue up and around, matching the pace of his fingers. I can’t control my breathing any longer with the wave building in my stomach, so I let go.

And I crash.

My head falls back as I tip over the edge into orgasm. I can feel Ben holding me tightly in place, working me through it, but I lose connection with reality for a moment as the pleasure overwhelms all my senses. On and on it goes. I’m wrung out and gasping but the sensations continue to fire though my nerves, keeping me trapped in my little bubble of ecstasy.

He stills when I do, and I somehow make my way back upright, make my way forward until my mouth finds his. My own taste is sweet and tangy on his lips and tongue, and I suck him into me, biting his lip and losing myself in the kiss with reckless abandon.

I’m so absorbed in getting every taste of him on my tongue that I don’t notice he’s lifting me until I’m already in his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist as he turns us and sits down on the bench, settling me on his lap.

I break away from his lips to look down at his hard cock jutting up between us. Kissing is instantly forgotten as a new need overtakes my mind.

I lift up and seat myself on his tip, my hands on his shoulders steadying myself as I slowly, so slowly, sink onto him.

His eyes are closed and mine follow suit, shutting out everything but the sensation of him entering me. The glorious fullness of us together. When my hips reach his lap and I settle my weight, it occurs to me that this is the first time I’ve really been in charge. Not that he couldn’t take over at any moment, but for right now, I’m on top. I’m the only one moving as I explore the angle of my hips, the way I can swirl him around inside me, gripping and loosening and tilting our connected bodies back and forth.

Ben is strong and steady. He grips my hips firmly to keep me safe as I slowly find my rhythm, but other than that, he seems to have melted from the combination of heat and pleasure.

I’m nearly at a melting point myself but the power of the moment is too good to let go.

I lift up further than before, taking his tip to my clit and gasping as I rub myself with it, then I slide it back in. A long, low moan from Ben brings a smile to my lips and I do it again. And again until I’m fucking us, leaned forward and gripping his shoulders with my fingernails for purchase.

Ben still doesn’t take over, allowing me to use his body all on my own, but his eyes are open now. As my breasts bounce in front of his face, he captures my nipples one at a time, licking and giving a little bite when he can.

I can’t take my eyes off his mouth, his hooded eyes, the place where our bodies connect between my legs. I rest my forehead on his as we both watch.

I’ve been working myself in just the right ways since I started, and I’m on the edge once more.

“I’m going to come,” I whisper, grinding myself harder, deeper, barely able to get the words out before my breath catches.

“You better,” he growls back, tightening his grip on my ass and preparing to take over when I lose control.

It’s a slow slide into madness, a far cry from the cliff Ben usually pushes me over. With my body rubbing slow and hard, I slip into orgasm gradually, the pleasure starting as a little seed and growing up my spine like a vine. I hang my head forward and clench down on him as it overtakes me, feeling his strong hands start to move my body back and forth as I hold on with my core.

“Fuck, girl,” Ben hisses into my wet hair as he follows me into orgasm.

I can’t stop, can’t breathe, can’t force my eyes open, even though I want nothing more than to watch him break. The heat and the pleasure and the closeness all combine and we’re one person for a moment in time, two bodies locked together.

When my lungs finally release, I lift my head and find Ben still holding his breath.

“Together,” I say, meaning our orgasm.

“Always,” Ben whispers back, and I can tell he means so much more.

He pulls me tighter to him, both arms wrapped around my ribcage. I’m not sure how long we stay like that, with him buried deep inside me, the hot water from the shower beating down on the tile floor and creating a fog of steam.

I’m going to need to move my legs soon, so I start the process of rousing him by nibbling softly on his jawline. That gets me a smile and a moment later, his deep brown eyes find mine.

“I’ve never let anyone else fill me like you always do.” I remember how he told me he liked to be my first anything, so I’m happy to offer this little bit of myself to him.