Page 108 of Savage Lover

I beg to differ.

“You better get that shirt off. I don’t have all day.”

Gone is the funny, kind, uncertain Ben from moments before. He’s replaced with the powerful, take no shit, Mr. Adams the lawyer.

Heat pools between my legs as I struggle to unbutton the blouse as fast as I can. When I toss it to the side, I glance up and find him appraising me, hands on his hips.

“You wore a bra like that to a job interview? You were expecting to end up on your knees, then?”

“I just wanted to be prepared.” I try to sound as meek as possible, when inside, passion races through me. I only hope I can behave myself long enough to get what I want.

“Well, I had a chance to look over your resume and it all seems very impressive. But I need you to know that as a clerk in this firm, you will have other duties.”

“Like filing and getting coffee?” I ask timidly, eyes on his shiny shoes.

Ben laughs darkly. “You will certainly be getting coffee. But there will be times like this, when I call you into my office, and I need to know that you are willing and able to perform the duties asked of you.”

“I graduated top of my class, sir. I’m sure I’ll be able to perform any duties you need.”

“I can tell you’re just playing coy. You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“Like I said, sir, I will be happy to perform any duties you need.”

I peel my eyes away from Ben’s shiny dress shoes and let them drift up his body. His desire is evident in the front of his pants, and I don’t want to let my attention hover there for too long, but he catches me.

“Something interesting down there?” His voice is low and rough. Mean, even a little cruel. I can’t get enough. It wasn’t my intention to provoke him, but I can’t help myself.

“No, sir.”

No sooner have the words left my mouth than he has my chin in his hand and is tilting my face roughly upwards. “No? I thought we had an understanding.”

He tosses my face to the side, and I have to catch myself with one hand to keep from falling over.


“Get it out.”


“You know, there’s an allotted amount of time for these interviews. If you think wasting my time is going to work in your favor, you are sorely mistaken.”


I love it.I love him.

I reach up to grasp him by the belt, pulling forward with a jerk and forcing him to take a step toward me. I start to unbuckle it, but he stops me with his hands. “There’s no need to take my belt off. Just pull down the zipper. I’m not the one who gets undressed in this office.”

Heat rushes through me once more at his command. I fumble trying to get the zipper down quickly but finally manage. I reach inside and grasp him, shifting his pants to the side to wrestle his erection out. He’s rock hard for me, just like I’ve been dreaming about.

Anticipating his next command, I take him straight into my mouth, licking up and around his head and sucking him deep inside.

“Choke yourself.”

My jaw drops open around him and I sit back slightly, his cock coming free of my mouth as I look up in surprise. “What?”

“You heard me, girl. I’m getting really tired of this innocent act. You have two seconds to choke?—”

He cuts off as I go for it, driving my head forward onto his waiting cock. I succeed, kind of, hitting the back of my throat hard enough to gag myself.