Page 9 of Savage Lover

When I look up, he’s watching me again. “Why don’t you come over here.”

Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.

I walk over and set my glass down on the bar. I set my purse down next to it.

And then, like I’m on death row, I walk slowly until I’m inches from the man. I can feel the heat of him, even in this tropical weather. He’s a dark sun—pulling me in.

He doesn’t touch me at first, simply walks all the way around my body. I follow him with my eyes as long as I can, and then spin my head to watch him come around the other side. He looks me up and down, an expression of pure desire written across his handsome features.


I say nothing.

“You know, when I asked if it was your first time leaving the bar with someone, I should have told you that it may as well be mine.”

My eyes lift to his at this unexpected statement. He offers another of those small, tight-lipped smiles.

“I don’t make a habit of picking up young women in bars.”

“I’m not that young.”

“You are plenty young.”

“Do you want to see my ID?” I feel a bit of my fire coming back as I grow more comfortable with his proximity. With our very private situation.

The smile grows just a bit as he shakes his head. “No. The fact that you were drinking in one of my bars is proof enough for me.”

His words bring back the memory of my first time at one of The White Sand’s bars. I had to run home to get my driver’s license after being denied entry without it, something that had never happened to me outside of the US. This man and his rules must have been the reason for that.

I wonder what other rules he has.

Probably has one about sleeping with his son’s exes.

I shake off that thought and look up to find Ben watching me curiously.

“What?” I ask.

“Just curious.”

“About me?”


“What do you want to know?”

“What changed your mind?”

“About waiting here for you? Or about staying just now?”


I bite my lip as I consider what to say. There are so many ways I could play this night, so many ways this could go.

But there’s only one way I want.

“I thought you might…tell me what to do.”

“And that’s what you want?”