Page 77 of Savage Lover

Look at me, learning and growing. I deserve a damn medal.

“I’m about to jump in, make room for me?” one of the women calls back, obviously flirting. I smile at her as politely as I can.

“I think I’m going to stay out,” is the answer from the only woman I care about. “In case someone needs help or something. And lunch is coming up, so I want to help with that.”

I pull myself athletically up the side of the pool and stand dripping on the terra cotta concrete. I can feel every set of female eyes on my body, but I don’t look away from Victoria.

“That’s a good plan. I should get dried off and help too.”

I walk toward the towel caddy and grab myself a fresh, folded, beach towel. As I’m drying my hair, I can hear the chatter from the group of ladies.

“...when he takes that suit off…”

“I’d dry him off…”

I smile to myself at the comments, spoken close enough to me, and in loud enough whispers, that I know they don’t mind being overheard. But the only woman I want to hear isn’t chiming in.

When I glance over, she’s looking down at her phone, not paying attention to the women around her who are tossing glances in my direction.

I’m not typically a self-conscious guy.

But I just had my entire life thrown into disarray by a Caribbean wise guy, so I’m already feeling a bit out of sorts.

I’m so up in my head right now, I know I need to step away, rather than causing problems with Victoria by making a scene. Without another look in her direction, I head back toward the patio where Max is grilling.

“How are you doing?” he calls as I pass him on the way to the patio doors.

“Terrible, thanks,” I call over my shoulder.

I hear him laugh as I enter the house. “Just let it all go,” he calls.

Fat chance of that.

Chapter Eighteen


This day just keeps getting harder and harder.

I mean, it’s one thing to lose my house, and be forced to share my beautiful mansion hideaway with a bunch of people who could spill my secret at any moment.

But I just started my period.

And did I prepare for this by stopping at the shop in town to get supplies? Of course not.

Not that I’m not grateful. I am so, so grateful. The last thing I want is to…I’m not going to say it. I’m not even brave enough to think the P word right now.Nothing would get me kicked out of this house, and my imaginary perfect relationship, faster than failing to prevent myself from getting pregnant. Even I, at twenty-three, have been around the dating scene long enough to know that.

But still. I’m kicking myself for not being prepared. Sure, I felt a bit sore and crampy the last couple of days, but I’ve been fucked in the most wild and crazy ways, so I just assumed it was part of the deal.

“Sally,” I hiss, pulling her into the bathroom with me. “Do you have any tampons?”

Her eyes go wide. Then she grimaces apologetically. “No, but I’ll ask around. Terrible timing. It’s not like we can just run out to the store.”

“I know. And I have a limited number of clean underwear here. Not to mention it won’t be my own sheets I’m ruining.”

Another look of pity from my friend. “Let me go ask around.”

I nod. “I’m going to start looking in all the bathroom cabinets. There’s like six bathrooms in this house, one of them has to have stuff, right?”