Page 64 of Savage Lover

Shuffling to my hands and knees, I scurry sideways toward the far end of the couch. My sudden movement must have taken him by surprise because he’s slow in reaching for me.

I almost make it off the couch, but at the last second, he catches one of my ankles, turning my leap to freedom into more of a nosedive into the tile.

I catch myself with my hands on the firm ground and kick at him blindly, trying to free my leg. For a moment he catches my other leg as well, but pretty soon, my violent kicking connects. I can’t see where I hit him, but there’s a muffled grunt and he releases me.

I don't take a second to think about whether or not he's hurt—something I might need to examine later—before getting my feet underneath me and running.

Ben must not be badly hurt because he’s on me in seconds.

In my blind panic and rush of joy at freedom, I just run, and don’t consider where I’m running. I hit the glass of the patio door with one hand and cry out. Not a second later, Ben is at my back, grabbing that hand and pulling it behind my back, pressing my whole body into the cold glass.

For a moment, we’re quiet and still, both watching the storm outside.

It’s magnificent in its power. The palms are thrashing down in the yard, the sea is roiling. Rain pounds down on the patio in sheets, pooling on every surface. As we watch, a bright flash of lighting lights up the sky above the ocean.

I take the opportunity to scream, more for fun than anything else, and revel in the feeling of Ben’s hand clamping quickly over my mouth.

“You know, I brought you to this house so you’d be safe from the storm. I’m not feeling a lot of gratitude right now.”

I struggle against his hands, one still firmly over my mouth, the other keeping me pinned to the glass with one arm behind my back. His hips grind into mine and his erection is hard and obvious. My eyes roll back in my head momentarily at the thought of that hard cock taking me against the stormy window at the climax of our little game.

But, once again, Ben surprises me.

He lets go of the arm behind my back, my body effectively held in place by his. I can’t see where he’s reaching, I only know it's for something that’s not me.

Suddenly, Ben pulls me back an inch and unlocks the door right in front of me. A blast of cool, wet air hits me right in the face. I don’t have time to even think about what’s happening before he’s shoved me outside.

And closed the door behind me.

After being pinned in confinement for so long, blood rushes into my limbs and I gasp in a full breath, looking around wildly.

It’s raining so hard that I’m already soaked. It's not particularly cold, but it could not be wetter, and the wind is strong against my side, forcing me to focus on staying upright.

Ben is standing on the other side of the glass, arms crossed over his chest.


That motherfucker.

I love this game so much I could laugh out loud. Instead, I throw myself at the glass door and pound with both fists, screaming at him to let me in.

He barely even reacts, simply cocking his head to one side and cupping his hand around one ear as if to hear me better.

I know the asshole can hear me just fine. “Let me in, you crazy bastard!”

Another flash of lightning lights up the world around me and I scream louder than ever, looking frantically behind me as if the light was coming up on the patio to get me.

When I turn back to the glass, I scream once more. Ben is now standing with his forehead pressed against the glass, leaning over so he’s eye to eye with me.

“Let me in!” I scream.

“You know the password,” he responds calmly, his voice perfectly audible even at his normal level.

“You’re crazy,” I yell back.

Ben shrugs, keeping eye contact.

Another flash of lightning makes me jump and spin around.