Page 51 of Savage Lover

“You are very good. You please me so much. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

“I guess?”

I chuckle at her adorable, sassy personality, which refuses to dim, even though I can feel her body reacting to my words.

“You guess you want to please me?”

“I just mean…you’re always talking about how much you like being surprised. I don’t see how there’s any room for surprises here. I mean, for me, yeah. I’ll be tied up and probably blindfolded. But you’re just going to be going through the motions.”

“Your reactions are my surprise. My delight. Every time I touch you, I get to see how it affects you. Every time I surprise you, I get to hear the little noises you make.” I spin her suddenly so her back presses to me once more, using one hand to cover her eyes while the other snakes around her throat. She gasps.

“Yes, just like that.”

Her gasp sends a jolt of electricity and power through my veins. I want more.


“Okay, what?”

“Okay, you can do all this stuff to me.”

I chuckle softly and release her, walking over to a cabinet and pulling out a soft black scarf. “It’s not that simple.”

I turn back and find her watching me.

“There are forms and rules to go over,” I start to explain.

“Ah, Ben’s box.”

I inhale, smooth and steady, as I let her jab pass through me.

She’s trying to rile me, but it's not going to work. Not down here.

“There will come a time during our games down here when you will earn punishment for statements like that.”

“Ooh, punishment? And it’s my job to pretend that I don’t want it?”

I laugh softly and shake my head at her summary of BDSM, an oversimplification, but not entirely incorrect. “That will be part of your role, yes.”

“I can do that.” Her voice is almost a whisper as I reach for her, using both hands to push her hair back over her shoulders. She shivers slightly from the smallest brush of my hands across her face. I cannot wait to see what she does when my touch is a bit more firm.

“For today, I thought we could just play around a little. Introduce you to being in the room. Nothing heavy, nothing painful or scary. We can talk about all that stuff later.”

“Once you have my liability waiver signed?” she whispers as I reach up to tie the black cloth over her eyes.


I take a step back and take her in now that she can’t see me.

She’s stunning. The black cloth hides her sharp, wise, green eyes, but I can still see her mind working as her teeth chew softly on her bottom lip. She’s dressed simply in a dark green sundress, her feet bare after having abandoned her sandals on the deck and her toenails painted lavender to match her fingernails. A simple gold bracelet is the only jewelry she wears. I’ve noticed the same bracelet a few times before and examined it once while she slept. It's a delicate chain that doesn’t seem to have a clasp.

She shifts back and forth on her feet. I know from experience that her senses are reaching out as far as they can in all directions, trying to decide where I’m standing. Trying to predict what’s coming next. I’m still and quiet a few feet away so she can't find me. It’s making her nervous. That’s not my goal right now, so I let out an audible breath. Her whole attention turns in my direction.

“Why don’t you get down on your knees.”

She obeys, tucking her skirt between her thighs and calves as she sits on her heels. Her hands smooth the front as she settles there, looking up to where she’s decided I must be.

“You look stunning down there.”